So please bethesda, we know Skyrim will have great graphics and gameplay but you better pay attention to story.
The Sixth House, Mystic Dawn.
A god's power unleashed: The Numidium. Lorkhan's heart. Mehrunes Dagon. Alduin.
Prophecy of a hero to save us all: Nerevarine. Dovahkiin.
Artifacts of legend: staff of chaos. the mantella and crux. Kagrenac's tools. The Amulet of Kings. The lost dragon language.
The prisoner: ....
Check checkity check
George Lucas: It's okay if they're the same, it's like they're rhyming. --On
Episodes 1 - 3. Oh blah.
TES makes up for it enough in my taste, and some past developers/writers are still in contract with the team. Dragons seem like something Bethesda really wanted to do for a long time but didn't have the technology to integrate them. I think it'll be good this time around.