- Pay standard text rate
- Pay for stamp too
Yeah, no thanks. I'm too cheap to pay for both a stamp and a text. when I can buy stamps when buying my groceries without the texting fee. Or, you know, use the http://www.usps.com/onlinepostage/welcome.htm system, once again avoiding the fees.
The only "advantage" to this system is you don't have to print something. I foresee many people with bad handwriting getting returned letters

i give it less than one day before someone comes up with a "keygen" that allows them to mail stuff for free.

1. Text sent
2. Text recieved by server, which generates the random number
3. Number is uploaded to a database in all post offices
4. When a letter comes in, it is validated against this database.
5. After the ticket is used, it invalidates itself and is updated across all databases
This still leaves the possibility of someone "stealing" someone else's code, which can be resolved by assigning codes to addresses, but that creates another set of potential problems in the realm of privacy.
This is the equivalent of one-time passwords.