I'm wondering how different 2 different character's quests will be.
It makes me want to think that we won't be stuck with the same set quest(at least side quests). and have many things to do outside quests like finding an enemy or another that wasn't there before in a past run-through.
Replayability... definitely.
As the writer said. It could be a never-ending adventure I think.
Skyrim will keep us happy for a long long long time

And that's without mods.
Radiant Story COULD be pretty groundbreaking (if implemented well, but we should still not overhype... just for safe) for games. Most games are so linear and once you've played it, you've basically played it. I think Bethesda should take this replayability thing in mind and take advantage of it. It could benefit them for more DLC / expansions, since the replayability factor should mean that more people will play Skyrim for a longer time.