The reason I post this new thread is because there are some things the OP left out that I think should be mentioned in a thread of its own. I'm not mentioning anything that's already in that other thread (except for a few exceptions), because it would be annoying with two threads saying the same thing. If you wanna know more, you should read the thread I linked above as well. A few things may already be known by some, but it's kind of interesting anyway

I've underlined the main words in every sentence, so it should be easy for you to find what's important.
(I've put my own thoughts within parantheses.)
1. There is a kind of describing story at the beginning. In that story, there are some interesting things mentioned that I think should be underlined:
- The player had been following a thief for several days. The player had followed the thief's tracks. (Perhaps this means that you'll see your footmarks)
- The player has a fur cloak. (Perhaps this means cloak/capes will be in the game?)
- "It was then the hero heard the wings flap. Shortly thereafter, there was a roar that made the ground to tremble, the sky to open up and the snow to fall from the ragged temple ruins. And then… came the fire." (COMPLETELY real dynamic snow? And possible avalanches?)
2. Skyrim has been in development for roughly 4,5 years (since a few months after Oblivion started).
3. Instead of focusing on neon-blinking armors and swords that look like dinosaurs like some other rivals do, Skyrim focuses on a lot of atmosphere and mystery in a low-fantasy game. Skyrim is a very “Tolkien-like” fantasy, but still, of course, The Elder Scrolls. (Kind of hilarious (but true) how they describe their rivals I think

4. There will be different kinds of dragons. They are driven by their very own intelligence. Dragons can be found anywhere at any time. There are no pre-determined meetings with dragons.
You might just see the dragon fly past you to the horizon, or you might stumble across a dragon slumbering in a cave...
5. When the writer asked Todd if Skyrim would have the same ground-breaking (graphical) impression that Oblivion had when it was released, Todd said that he hoped so.The writer himself, who saw the game in motion, agrees with Todd. But he also says that Skyrim maybe isn’t as big as jump (technologically) as it was between Morrowind and Oblivion. Still, the writer thinks it’s an incredibly good-looking game with great atmosphere.
6. The engine is COMPLETELY new.
7. “NO LEVEL SCALING”. Different enemies level up differently fast and different creatures have different “level-ceilings” (in other words, maximum level caps).
8. The environments are VERY detailed; to a microscopic level. There is dynamic snow, an updated physics engine and more realistic lighting effects. The world of Skyrim really feels like a living organism. Every society, every little village is like its own ecosystem with inhabitants like millers, smiths and fishermen. (Perhaps this mean that we can fish too?

10. There will never be an Elder Scrolls online; at least never made by Todd (so I guess never made by Bethesda Game Studios).
11. When the writer asked Todd how people thought about critics who fear that Bethesda’s new game will be dumbed down and that it would lose its depth in order to reach a higher audience. In answer to this, Todd said that Skyrim will continue to have “deep” games, but at the same time they’ll never exclude beginners. Skyrim will not be a game for a casual, nor will it be a game for the zealous roleplay-enthusiast. Skyrim will be a game for both.
12. New creature confirmed (I think). It’s “undead priests”.
13. The fights are a constant combination of well-thought strategies and swift reflex-maneuvers. (Basically what this means: no more mindless hack and slash

14. There are different finishing moves for nearly every weapon and enemy in the game (I guess this means that you can’t have this epic finishing move for a dragon as you have with… say a rat).
The finishing moves don’t have any gaming function or benefit. It’s just something that can happen when your enemy is near the final blow (Could this mean that you can’t control finishing moves, and they are automatic?).
They look wicked.
15. It seems that, when in third person, you’ll be able to see all the equipment that he’s having. In exact words, it says: "Great news for everyone who likes to see our adventurer and especially all the cool equipment he's wearing."
I’m not sure if this means that if you have an extra sword, you’ll see that on your body while having another one in your hand. It can be left for speculation.
16. The writer thinks that Radiant Story might change sandbox games forever. The writer thinks that if Bethesda manages to implement Radiant Story in the fantastic way they’ve spoken of, then Skyrim would have no boundaries. Then it’s not about an experience of over a hundred hours, then it’s about the never-ending adventure.
17. There's a "new" screenshot (that wasn't in the GI). It's a really really beautiful picture in the nature. It shows a big river (with small small islands in it), with pine trees and high mountains in the background. There's fog too of course

This picture can partly be seen in a german video (from their magazine). It looks really blurry though (you can't see much detail in the video). The colors are also WAY WAY off in that video. So don't trust the colors, or the video detail

Kudos to Killfetzer for pointing out the video-link:
The picture is at 00:23.
Finally, I quote: "[...] to what may be the biggest game of 2011." :celebration: