[WIP] SWG's Skies Version 4- Brainstorming Stage
See http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1166146-wipz-swgs-skies-v4-brainstorming-stage/page__view__findpost__p__17182078 for feedback suggestions.
So, it's been well over a year and a half since I've contributed anything to the community, mainly because I didn't have my computer until about a month ago, and then it didn't work for most of that time. So, I'd like to formally announce my next major WIP, a whole new SWG's Skies.
What I've got in mind so far:
(italics are things I've started working on)
- Even Nicer skyboxes, with
horizon supportand better textures - More night sky unequity:
- friendlier with lore
- Remade/Improved Moon textures with alpha shadows, this is based on TES lore.
- Monthly constellations
- Dual Horizoned Skies (so half of it won't be visible
- More detailed nebulae, using fractals
- A better starfield, with unique star clustering/concentration
- friendlier with lore
- Possibly a better INI colouring set, if there is any at all.
Unique Sky colouring based on direction/time of day(done via atmospheric scattering, looks very nice)- Twilight Sky/Light colouring, after sunsets there is a blue light period!!
Fixed cloud movement speeds, in v3 the clouds moved faster due to the new uv map.To get this, divide every cloud speed in the INI by 5.- Possibly a port to Oblivion, I've already put my sunglare and moon textures into it, and they look very nice it OB's Engine.
- Possibly a particle cloud system, will need to get in touch with someone like Hrnchamd for this.
- Lightning textures, many lightning types, such as cloud-to-cloud lightning, and lightning during blightstorms/ashstorm/blizzards, blizzard lightning will be quite rare.
- Even more weather effects, like Aurora Borealis/Australis, Rainbows, Circumhorizontal/zenithal arcs, sun dogs, light pillars, and more.
So that's it, and please, feel free to THROW ME AS MANY IDEAS AS YOU CAN!!! I really appreciate feedback, and I seem to get too much of it only after I've released my stuff.