Switching between weapons in this game is BROKEN

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:45 am

I stopped playing just to post this. I cannot count the amount of times this game just glitches when switching between weapons.

The thing that just happened. Shooting, switch to grenade to throw around a corner, switch back to weapon, reload since i had time, try and fire and... CANNOT FIRE for at least 5 seconds before my opponent kills me, wondering why im not killing him.

Even in the same game. Unload magazine. Switch to pistol to finish off enemy... takes FOREVER. It just freezes on your main weapon and if you LIVE long enough, your pistol will finally come out.

Crap like this happens ALL the time. But yet these are just more bugs in a broken game that is getting no fixes by its creator.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:40 am

You forgot to add when you respawn and wanted to switch to your pistol right away, you have to hit your key twice because your first press will draw your primary gun even if you're using it.
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Taylor Thompson
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