Personally, to me housing in TES has never been important. Ocasionally I manually move items around when I rarely buy/build houses but besides that I never really cared. but for those that do, as I said, give it to them.
Personally, to me housing in TES has never been important. Ocasionally I manually move items around when I rarely buy/build houses but besides that I never really cared. but for those that do, as I said, give it to them.
I played Swtor as my main mmo off and on since it's launch (I stopped last fall though). The reality of the game is it is limited by it's terrible engine. All new content is extremely instanced based. They are extremely slow putting out content and balancing as well. Most new content is fully integrated into their cash shop model as well.
Take a look at the last 2 major content additions:
1. Arena. The community majority actually wanted large zone pvp and rated warzones along with new Huttball style maps. They got 4v4 arena which only a few hardcoe pvpr's actually wanted. This is because of their lack of ability to have global queuing and the crap engine.
2. Space combat. The community wanted large open space to explore for both pve an pvp. They got small maps entirely focused on pvp and better ships purchased in cash shop. Once again this is because of limited tech in queuing and engine.
Other content patches: Makeb ... small world based on dailies with no class story continuation. Gree event ... Ilum was promised a rework and what they got was a limited time event that doesn't repeat again for months. Other content: All based around limited time small events that serve only to distract players without adding any real content to be devoured. They love to rep grind and right before you can finish the event ends and you have to wait another 1-4 months to complete.
I pretty much lost it once I saw where they were headed with content additions. They only do small scale map addition that can be instanced off from the rest of the game and content is so thin they time limit you in order to block you from completion until next event starts. The engine is so bad it limits what the developers can add to the game so they have headed toward instanced progression patches be it raiding or small map pvp.
Housing is no different ... it is a side distraction from the main game and something they can monetize through the cash shop. I still await to hear anything on guild capital ships and any sort of integration into the main game what so ever.
Before Age of Conan launched that's what they were promising. It didn't make it to release though. The AI was supposed to start a settlement in the same instance as the Guild settlement, and slowly build it up over time, sending out patrols, building into small raids, then larger attacks if nothing was done about it.
Player housing in MMOs is the single best end-game activity in terms of sense of accomplishment and game longevity. The fact that it will not be in ESO is a huge disappointment, because housing can be such a vital end-game activity. This needs to be implemented ASAP, but I worry this game wasn't designed with it in mind from the start, which would spell big troubles for its implementation.
Swtor Housing, a Cartel Market expansion no doubt.
Was one of the folks asking for open space exploration, and that clearly doesn't answer the mail.
Really wanted to see integration of captial ships, in which a player to move to command or senior staff levels, but perhaps that's too Eve Online - ish.
Edit: Stupid auto-correct!
Had read that it was partially developed on the Hero engine, but the release isn't supposed to run on it.
Player housing is nice, but not on the top of the priority list at launch, in my opinion.
I disagree! Because reasons.
Seriously though, while I don't particularly care either way, I do question how much overall interest there is in such an idea. Hearthfire was the least popular Skyrim DLC. True, part of it is because there were already mods so the DLC was redundant.
Not saying they shouldn't add it, just saying it is likely not as one-sided as this thread makes it appear.
Also, they don't need to add it ASAP, they just need to let out the word they are planning on it ASAP. Because no matter how much fans complain, if they know it is going to be implemented they will stick around for it.
In SW: TOR's case...too little too late for me.
In ESO, I'd rather they get the game out (so I can play) and then take the time to make housing really shine instead of just slapping it together so that it's "there".
The devs have already said that, while housing won't be in for launch, this is something they'd definitely consider for a post-launch feature, especially if enough players ask for it. I think it's safe to say, enough players are asking for it, and the TESO devs have proven their ability and willingness to act on what the players wish. Also:
The game was originally developed using the Hero Engine while Zenimax finished making their own in-house game engine. Hero was used to flesh out the elements of the game, but the game that is being released has nothing whatsoever to do with Hero Engine anymore. Also, in Hero's defence, TOR is using a version of Hero that even the Hero devs recommended against using, because it was a very early version. The TOR devs said they didn't care, as they'd be heavily modifying the engine for their purposes anyway. The final result is a Frankenstein's monster that is so different even the Hero devs and engineers won't touch it because they don't recognise it anymore.
My very first thought is; Star Wars has player housing? Good for them....?
My second thought and opinion is housing isn't really that important at the moment. What are the majority of players going to spend doing in this game? Progressing through a story, fighting, gearing themselves out... OR, are they going to get a house, and spend most of their time decorating and designing for the next HGTV series? If you guessed killed monsters, progressing through a storyline, and gearing themselves out, you've guessed right.
While I'm someone who absolutely adores player housing myself, it's just not that important. Unless it's like FF 11's housing system where you get special bonuses and such for decorating your room/house a certain way, I just can't see many players spending that much time on housing. Sure, there's quite a few Elder Scrolls fans going to play the game, but there's also going to be a good portion of Mmorpg players as well, and one's might I add that could care less for housing, unless, as I stated, it actually provides something of use.
Being an Elder Scrolls game, there's no doubt in my mind they're working on housing, or planning to have it implemented in the future, probably near future once the game is launched. As of now though, I'd rather they focus all the time and money (that a good portion of players have already spent pre-ordering) on the game mechanics, and make sure the game runs in tip-top shape before getting into purely decorative pieces.
Of course, that's the way I view it. I certainly didn't pay $80 for just the free horse, and certainly not going to continue a subscription should the game not be worked on.
I would rest assured that eventually ESO will have housing. Sooner than later based on 2 things:
1. Housing is in high demand by the player base.
2. ZoS/Bethesda has already shown that they pay very close attention to player demands, and they do not hesitate to make changes. Housing is a major programming issue though, so it will take time.
makeb put me of swtor, after that I found pvp boring. Never dying or killing anyone, it was just pointless
hell let`s be honest, housing while a nice perk (for some not all), it`s not what going make or break this game.
ESO uses the same game engine as swtor lol
Like I've said before, it'll probably be something implemented into the game in the future.
I don't understand this obsession with player housing, every MMO ive played with it in - it just turns out to be a goldsink with very little payoff in the fun department .
I hope the development team isnt stupid enough to waste time on this and instead create decent endgame content