a FNNCQ quest mod
While David (our favored slaver

o fully voice acted (2 NPCs, 3 Creatures, 1 Holotape)
o 4 quests (Sybils Secret, Lost Fringe, The Gift of Life, Repair the Lab), quest playtime appr. 2-4 hr
o a fully featured lab which allows you to experiment with your slaves
o 1 new 'slave storage place' which extends the ownable slave number to 15
o ability to check the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Stats & Skills of your slave
o full control over your slaves skills
o full control over your slaves attributes
o three new Weapons the 'Cattle Prod' (new mesh), the 'Gift of Life' (a biological weapon new mesh) and the 'Radiator' (new mesh)
o a faster method to 'train' FNNCQ Meatshields
o a bloody lab coat for male & female so you are well dressed while experimenting
o 'failed & bio experiments' lifeforms which are in spite of everything pretty useful
o a repair bot if you accidentally damaged your lab
This mod requires FNNCQ.
Sybils Secret:
Uncover the terrible secret behind Ewa's Pet Shop in Paradise Falls. If you think this shop is now a gruesome and inhuman abomination you surely don't know what happened there before the War. David, today's owner has found some hints about the past of this place. Help him to find the truth and get access to a new weapon and a full featured lab to learn your slaves who their real master is.
Starting the quest: Talk with David in the Pet Shop. He is worried about something.
Lost Fringe:
After you gained access to the lab there is still work to do. Something is missing from the lab and you have to collect the missing pieces to get the full advantage of it. This journey takes you back to a lot of places you may have forgotten and I am sure there are still interesting fights and discoveries to be made.
I recommend to install DCInteriors to get the most fun of this part. But it is not necessary.
Starting the quest: It starts automatically as soon as you get in the Lab after Sybils Secret.
The Gift of Life:
In an old coat found in the Lab you detect a note which leads you to more secrets which are hidden in the lab. Maybe you become the creator of new life in the Wastes if you follow this lead.
Starting the quest: Find the Lab Coat (Hint: 1st floor) and put it on.
Repair the Lab:
Accidents happen. So if you managed to destroy a main component of the lab it can now be repaired. Torrence a little robot can help you with this task but first you have to find him.
Starting the quest: If you destroyed your lab one of the terminals inside has new information for you.
Slaver Cattle Prod:
This Weapon gives your victim a massive electric shock so it gets unconscious. The first hit is strong enough to make your victim dizzy so you can enslave it after it wakes up (only humans and ghouls... FNNCQ Slaver Weapon restrictions). You can use this Weapon to shock your opponents and kill them while they are 'sleeping' on the floor. Bigger creatures wake up earlier and bots take higher damage then skinned creatures.
In a fight 'sleeping' victims (except the first one) are still enemies so followers will try to kill them.
A little warning: This Weapon has sometimes some unpleasant side effects. It was designed to keep the lab probants calm and was not made for combat duty. So don't be surprised if this weapon backfires sometimes.
It has no ammunition use but can be repaired with energy cells.
Radiator (Weapon, Laboratory Equipment):
The Radiator is a Weapon and also a laboratory device. It emits a extreme high dosage of radiation.
Human victims get radiation sick and begin to exude radiated ash. This ash can be collected and is used to produce chemicals for the lab (see Raising the SPECIAL Attributes: in the lab description). This ash is highly radioactive so it is advised to use protective gear while collecting.
Bots are not affected by this weapon and animals take less damage then humans.
Another 'useful' function is the healing ability of this weapon. Radiated creatures like Feral Ghouls and Supermutants actually heal if they are treated with the Radiator. Also monsters which are produced in the Lab the so called 'Failed Experiments'.
The emitted radiation has also the ability to resurrect 'Failed Experiments'.
Gift of Life (Weapon):
If this glowing flask (which can be produced in 'Waidhausens Laboratory') is thrown on a victim it extracts life energy from it and creates new life from this energy (so called 'Bio Experiments'). The most astonishing thing is that this also works with fresh created life. So if several flasks are thrown on one victim the number of new created life grows exponentially.
The only downside is that this life doesn't last very long. 'Failed Experiments' and 'Bio Experiments' take no damage from this weapon.
DNA Injector b26ba & DNA Injector g704
(Laboratory Equipment, Weapon):
The Injectors are produced in 'Waidhausens Laboratory' and can only be used on following FNNCQ slaves. They function of these chemicals is explained in detail in the 'Lab Operation' section of this document.
Torrence (Repair Bot):
This friendly little fellow knows every inch of the lab. If your lab need repairs simply unpack him and let him do the work. Ho loves to tinker with the lab equipment.
Failed Experiments
If a treatment with the DNA Injector goes wrong you get a 'failed experiment' as result. Most (not all) of them look like feral ghouls but they have the ability to understand a few simple commands. They are not really intelligent and you can produce as much failed ones as you like. But they are slow and clumsy so don't expect to much from them. They can be healed with radiation and if one of them dies use the Radiator to give them a new life.
Bio Experiments
These creatures are the result of the 'Gift of Life'. They have a very short life and their only goal is to take as many as they can get.
J?rg Brunner's Lab Coat
This bloody lab coat help you think (science +20) and protects you from radiation (Radiation Resistence +30).
pictures and downloaded http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12278.