Hahaha XD didn't intended to steer it that way my bad...
Hahaha XD didn't intended to steer it that way my bad...
Ah I see where my mistakes are haha -w-' Should've removed the West chapter from the list then...
You forget about the Outcasts, the fundamentalists who walked out on Lyons for abandoning the Codex. They might very well have moved up towards the Commonwealth looking for technology.
Possible, I guess. She was born in 2251. Arthur Maxson was born 2267. When Arthur is 10 and Sarah is 26 some punk 19 year old kid from Vault 101 shows up. Also some of the ECBoS members are giving Sarah the eye. Our boy Arthur is going to have to move fast if he wants to stake a claim on Sarah and unless he is a mutant, probably does not have a clear idea as to why he should stake a claim. If you hack his terminal, you will find out he is at the "noble knight rescues the princess, gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek (unless she has cooties, of course) and then rides off on the next adventure" stage of development. Even if he has been watching the brahmin, he probably hasn't made the connection yet.
Arthur Maxson isn't really the "legal heir" to Brotherhood leadership, he is the traditional heir. He probably will eventually take over, if he survives, but simply because of tradition.
If you have a place like the Institute messing with all kinds of advanced technology and then you have groups of BOS that are not associated with Lyon's group, I don't think they would hesitate to go after the Institute.
I really think it's out of the question for the Outcasts to do anything, they simply don't have the numbers.
Realistically it can only be the eastern or midwestern brotherhood, or some offshoot. Out to either steal the Institute's technology, or expand their empire.
It's more likely that the eastern brotherhood would want the Institute's technology, as the midwestern has access to Vault 0 and all it's goodies.
I wouldn't think the midwestern would be out to simply deny others tech either, as they seem more egalitarian than that. But as with the eastern they may have had a change in leadership, or whoever put their brain in the Vault 0 computer went bonkers, who knows.
To put one thing straight, there is no such thing as the Midwestern Brotherhood, their official canon name is the eastern brotherhood.
Lyons =/= the eastern brotherhood.
It's not their canon name, but it's used for the sake of simplicity.
But they HAVE a canon name, its "the Eastern Brotherhood of Steel"
They were named such in the Fallout 3 guide.
The term "Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel" is never used in-game, but was created by fans to differentiate it from the original Brotherhood of Steel. The Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition names it in one blurb as the "Eastern Brotherhood."[2]
We don't really know what year Fallout 4 takes place in.
Codsworth says it has been 200 years since the bombs fell. If that is a precise statement, as some hold it to be, then this is all taking place at about the same time that the Lone Wanderer is leaving Vault 101 for the first time. If it is a conversational 200 years then it could easily be 20 or 30 years later.
Game guides are not hard canon, and I'm not going to call them eastern when they're in the midwest, and Lyons is almost as far east as you get in the U.S.
Also, is it confirmed that Lyon's BOS and the Outcasts are the only chapters on the east coast? I mean, between the Capitol Wasteland and Boston, you have New York. Couldn't there very well be a New York chapter of the BOS?
There was no mention made of any other chapters on the east coast besides Lyons in Fo3 or NV.
The absence of evidence is not evidence of an absence.
Next will be the Sisterhood of Steel. A fanatic offshoot that hates men and worships technology. Basically, a reverse Caesar's Legion.
Maybe I shouldn't be giving them ideas..
Highly doubtful. The Lyons faction is ascendant, on account of them having the adulation of the Capitol Wasteland, a big honkin' water purifier, vertibirds as well as a huge pile of other Enclave spoils, and a recruitment apparatus to keep their numbers replenished. The Outcasts have none of that and were the lesser-numbered faction to begin with. The Outcasts are dead or dying in the same way the Western BOS is.
I found it amusing in the Broken Steel encounter where some Outcasts murder some surrendering Enclave personnel, claiming they're the greater badasses when it's Lyons' faction that is locking horns with the Enclave.
Not really confirmed, but based on the information we have it is probable.
Here is the real problem. Starting with an army detachment and dependents in Lost Hills, add in combat losses they must have been suffering starting with the war. These people pretty much need to put rabbits to shame in order to have sent people to the East Cost twice (on expedition never made it) and the Mohave.
It wasn't to exile them. The people sent on the mission just so happened to be those wanting change and warnings of storms ignored .
But storms did happen and the mission to follow the super mutant armies failed and the Midwestern Brotherhood was formed.
Why? They are already spread throughout California and into Nevada, Texas, Illinois to Kansas (midwestern BOS), Montana and Washington DC. Why not also a place as big and as major as New York?