Hello everyone So tonight I was playing skyrim and I was messing around with my drivers and I randomly found a solution for that very famous bug that no one knows how to fixed (according to what I've seen, I've searched for a solution on many forums and no one know how to do)
So you probably know it, that bugs makes your game's graphics glitched and weird when the v-sync is off, and it's very annoying because it's best if the v-sync is off, you can go above 60fps and the game will be more smooth. If you enable v-sync, the framerate will be stuck at 60 fps which is not a problem at all but there's a imput lag with the mouse and that's quite annoying if you like your games as smooth as possible, like me^^
So, the solution for that bug is to go to your card's driver and to enable ambiant occlusion, and set it on "quality". that's all, really.
It's so stupid xD I can't be the first one who found this out. I'm sure many people found that out before.
Anyway, if you see my post, try it out and if it works for you, tell it to as many people as possible who plays Skyrim on PC and who hate that bug.
I hope it'll help you!
EDIT = of course, the ambient occlusion will highly drop your framerate but it should be okay if you decrease the anti-aliasing and the anisotropic filter, you'll get very high fps from 80 to 150 if you have a high-end PC