Think about it, robotic had or something like that!
or at least what the had in new vegas, but yes i agree.
I was disappointed that it didn't. To be honest I expected something like that to be in there because of Synths and stuff like that. Hopefully they'll add it in as part of an update or DLC.
Yeah implants would have been cool by using synth technology as the above post stated. Would have been sweet.
I see a great possible DLC in that though. maybe they grant some perks. I know New Vegas had some cyborg stuff in it. i think Fallout 2 did as well. That is enough to establish it as canon for me. i would assume the Institute could outclass everyone else at it if they wanted.
I've been carrying a couple implants in my MISC inventory but have no idea what I'm supposed to do with them (I forget where I got them now). I'm assuming at some point I'll find someone who can put them in me.
I've been wandering about with those hoping the same thing.
Like the ones in Old World Blues sure. I don't know about one that raise SPECIAL stats since we can already do that.
I feel that it is fairly appropriate to the setting that you can't get synthetic implants. It could very possibly turn you into a sort of pariah or exile in most cities from what I've seen. Synths are treated like slaves by the institute and outright killed in places like good neighbor. If you were found out to have synthetic implants I can't imagine everyone being completely welcome.
Having said that it could certainly be done in a way not completely unlike becoming a vampire or werewolf in Skyrim. Most people would try to kill you if they found out but they would have to find out first, this could add some interesting elements to the game potentially.
All of this^
Could make it something we have to hide from others same as Werewolf or Vampire in Elder Scrolls. Could be a great addition to the game and not just because of the extra stats.
I know I want Kellog's implants installed. How? Where?
DLC potential is certainly there for this. Perhaps the potential to gradually turn your character more and more synthetic until you get to a point where you're hated by everyone aside from the railroad.
I really like this whole idea, would make a ton of sense for the game and add a lot to it.
I could only see two factions that would accept a cybernetic person and only one capable of implanting them.
yes and no. Not how they were in NV, there are plenty of ways to boost your special stats as it is.
I would rather implants be something like having some kind of melee blade that ejects from your arm, or a gun that does the same. Or have implants that do some of the stuff that power armor helmets do like highlight enemies etc.
any thing other lazy old stat boosts.
It could work the same as for when you're a werewolf or vampire in Elder Scrolls (you just have to hide it, while some people seem to be aware something is a bit off with you).
You got them from Kellogg after you track him down. I hung onto them the entire game thinking that eventually I might be able to have them implanted into myself but it was never brought up. I did not stay friendly with the institute though so maybe that's why. I'm going to join the institute in my current playthrough and maybe I'll get the option to have them implanted in myself if I follow the institute quest line all the way out.
Actually they each weigh 1 pound and have a fairly high sell value, extremely high weight to value ratio, so they may be nothing but vendor trash. I wonder if they can be scrapped in a settlement...
Ya in a DLC lets say instead of getting crippled limbs, what about actually losing limbs while alive and getting an option for robotic limbs. Stronger then flesh and blood by about 5x, but limited to one limb per character.
That'd be a pretty sweet feature if it were Institute exclusive. Maybe you could purchase them from an Institute vendor and have abilities similar to those that power armor upgrades give.