Syringer rifle - How to make it better

Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:38 pm

Got to thinking that its really a weapon with lots of potential, that is utterly useless at the moment. The few times I got to thinking that it'd be really useful to have, I couldn't find the components of ammo I needed. Figured I'd see what everyone else think this weapon needs.

- Stop auto junking of components it needs for ammo (Like abraxo cleaner getting broken down for acid or etc)

- Have a vendor actually sell some of the ammo. Perhaps the various doctors, or first aid vendors.

- have the first aid perk actually increase the effectiveness of the weapon. Like rifleman does to rifles.

All that being said, I am highly tempted to try and collect all the syringers I can, then give them to settlers with one dart of some nasty poison, like the lock joint or berserk. Combined with some mod that enhances settlement raids.. it'd be interesting to see.

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Ilona Neumann
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:27 am

Alternatively you could change the requirements to have just the base items it deconstructs. I've never used it personally so I don't know how much sense it would make.

I would personally love to see explosive syringes, directly tied to the explosives perk of course. Pop a few on an enemy like a needler from Halo and watch them explode into gibs!

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Valerie Marie
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