Completely disagree. They already enabled pre-ordering - they should tell us what rigs can run it.
Completely disagree. They already enabled pre-ordering - they should tell us what rigs can run it.
Oh shoot. Completely forgot about that. Yeah, that would be nice to know.
Possibly the same specs as Skyrim, but a slight increase in specs that it isn't really noticeable.
The video card will just have to wait till game release. Notice how I said game release, not e3. My laptop with GTX 660m couldn't handle skyrim on lowest settings until a couple months after Skyrim came out when nVidia finally gave me my driver patch and now I'm running it on ultra.
That being said, if you want to be safe have at least:
***8GB of DDR3 RAM (DDR4 will not make your game go faster, you're looking at fractions of 1 FPS difference) <=== This spec is no brainer, we don't need e3 for this one. Also note I don't care if Fallout is a 32bit or a 64bit system, you will not NEED 16GB or RAM thats silly. Oh and I'm not saying 4GB will not work, I'm not sure on that. I just know that 8GB will be the maximum you will need.
***Intel Dualcore processor running at least 3.0GHz, AMD running at least 3.4GHz <== plus/minus a few GHz but AMD will need more because they provide less instructions/cycle.
***Dedicated graphics card - sorry, integrated graphics will not do. Again, don't believe anyones assumptions it depends on nVidia and AMDs drivers as well as the game itself (which we don't have enough information about to go on)
***SSD is NOT required. I'm tired of people saying it is - no. SSDs mean load times will go faster but once you're finished loading a cell the game will NOT perform any better on an SSD than a HDD. I still recommend an SSD but it will never be a spec requirement.
If you've got all the above and a modern midrange graphics card go ahead and preorder, it'll run on your system just fine.
Unfortunately if you know your video cards going to bottleneck then cancel your preorder, you're going to have to wait till the game comes out and see if other people with your video card get it working. Beth can't release what specific video cards will work because it depends on nVidia and AMD's drivers not to mention how many there are. Obviously GTX Titans are going to be fine but its difficult to say which midrange ones will work and which ones won't. Beth will say "Oh it needs to run DirectX11 and support OpenGL" but that's not enough to go on. We will never see a useful spec regarding video cards before a game is released. Given past history, I'd wager nVidia graphics cards will perform slightly better than AMD.
Windows 10 will work just fine. Bethesda's not stupid they're not going to release an outdated game. As will windows 8. Those two are given. Windows 7 is a good assumption but you never know that far back.
It's always a worrying time for me when it comes to system requirements. I was worried when Witcher 3 came out. Honestly, I'm surprised how well my GTX660 worked. Okay, so I had to change some settings like low shadows and cap my frames to 30fps but the game still looks great with some settings on high.
guess this'll be about the end of the (gaming-)flagpole for my dualcore...
i could need some advice there, been a while since my last major hardware upgrade:
you guys think i'll do ok with an i5, or will i need an i7?
and any chance my 2g geforce 730 will sufficiently do? or if not, what will?
(i play pretty low resolutions, but high view distance and detail)
get a pc.
cheaper games.
hardware upgradable.
nuff said.
if "high" refers to general hardware specs here, i don't actually think so.
beth's games have always been _extremely_ modest in these matters (which always was one of their strongest assets imo), don't see why they would change that
(also, with my own hardware's age, i got just a faint idea what 2015 real high end graphics actually look like, but judging from the flood of posts how not-high-end the gfx wouldn't look and how not they got single hair physics and what not other types of bs, i'm pretty confident minimum specs will be according
glad to hear so, gonna save me about ~€150-200 from what i see (i do use photoshop a lot though, but since that still mainly uses 1 core only, i think it won't mind
noted, thx. guess i won't need a 970, anything below 960 that's sufficiently gaming proof? (geforce only, had it for good with radeons going up in flames)
uuuhm... i fear, if i tell you now i play skyrim in a 1360 letterbox, you'll laugh but anything much more is wasted on shortsighted-as-hell-me (got the advantage of saving heaps of money for graphics cards in that case anyhow
, so i'm pretty confident whatever card i get will never have to do anything above 2048, if even...
Considering this is pretty much the same engine as Skyrim, with maybe some minor tweaks, I would suspect that if you can run Skyrim on High, you will more than likely be able to run FO4 on high as well.
Most likely DX11. DX10 had a very short life span and hasn't really been used by any games for awhile now.
sounds cool basically , what worries me though: had a beta invitation for teso but couldn't get it to run no matter what - blamed that on the dual core, and might be a bad omen for upcoming beth titles vs below-quad-cpu's...
I'm guessing that dual-cores are pretty much dinosaurs by now, unless all you do is watch videos or surf the web. Time for an upgrade I'd say. I went with an 8 core about a year and a half ago simply because the new consoles are also 8 cores. I wanted to make sure I stayed relevant for awhile.
quad core toaster...?
yeah i agree. it's not exactly like the walls were closing in on my sys yet. but i sure can see them moving
I know my I7 will run, just want to make sure my R9 270X video cards will handle the graphics at max.
If this is anything to go on The Witcher 2 and Skyrim were released the same year and they had similar system requirements, for TW2 it was recommended for GeForce 260 1GB, I was running a GTX 680 2GB on Ultra and I think it was struggling. Now TW3:
Intel CPU Core i7 3770 3.4 GHz / AMD CPU AMD FX-8350 4 GHz
Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 770 / AMD GPU Radeon R9 290
OS 64-bit Windows 7 or 64-bit Windows 8 (8.1)
Direct X 11
HDD Space 40 GB
Intel CPU Core i5-2500K 3.3GHz / AMD CPU Phenom II X4 940
Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 660 / AMD GPU Radeon HD 7870
OS 64-bit Windows 7 or 64-bit Windows 8 (8.1)
Direct X 11
HDD Space 40 GB
And I am running
Intel CPU Core i7-4790 3.6GHz
Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 970
OS 64-bit Windows 7
Direct X 11
And the NVIDIA GeForce Experience Program indicates that the optimal setting is High and I am running it on Ultra and it is working (but I think only just). In the reviews that I read they were running the game on dual 970’s and dual Titans which had me worried. Now I did not buy Skyrim so I have no idea how Skyrim would have run on my old machine, though I suspect that the system requirements will be similar to those of TW3 but FO4 may be able run on the highest setting on machines that will not run TW3 on the highest settings.
So, what do we think the Fallout 4 System Requirements will be? I'm hoping I'm able to run it at high and record at 30fps. I have an AMD R9 m290x, i7 processor at 2.5ghz, and 32 gb of RAM. (Alienware 17) Think I'll be able to based on the displayed capture? I think they won't be far off from Skyrim's
I dunno but my aging 5 year old AMD system is getting a little long in the tooth. With the announcement of this game, I am now going to invest in a new rig so I can crank this thing up to ultra settings.
I'm in college so no money to get one. I should be able to run it though. (Hopefully)
You should be able to run it with those specs I would think. Maybe not on high but it should run.
Honestly, I don't think it'll be very high. The PS4 will probably run it on Ultra @ 1080p 30fps, since The Witcher 3 is running on high with a few details off (Hairworks off, slightly less god rays and very slightly worse shadows). Fallout 4 looks good, but it doesn't look graphically more complex than TW, so I'm guessing a decent graphics card should run it maxed or close to maxed @ 1080p 60fps. A R9 290x should also run it well.
Of course all this is all wild wild wild speculation, but I don't think its that far off. Besides having slightly better textures and less rough edges than Skyrim, the biggest advancement is the lightning and the amount of objects/people on screen. The rest looks more less on par with Skyrim. So basically, if you have a video card, you'll probably run this game.
I'm sure we'll have the answer to this question within the next few weeks.
I built my pc a few months before Skyrim's release. I think I'll be just fine playing at max settings, however, it may not be a bad idea to consider replacing my cpu.
ASUS p8z68-v Motherboard
i7 2600k cpu
8gb Ram
GTX 780ti