hmmm, the visuals would make sense if there were competing companies for the military power armor contract. as companies tend to follow there own designs while also trying to be both better and cheaper then the other. so if company A designed the T-45 then company B designed the T-51 it would make sense for company A to simply design a better version of the T-45, and the T-60 is born.
the other thing to keep in mind is familiarity of design by troops. (why so many guns look like the M16 but are much newer) If all the combat troops, support personnel, and machinery (repair / refit / maintenance / transport / etc.) are familiar or already in place for the mass produced T-45 it would make sense to make the upgrade as similar is possible to make it both easy on the personnel that have to work with or on the armor but also more cost effective as you don't have to produce completely new machinery for the new armor. (and that cost is HUGE)
given these facts based on actual military history its super easy to see why the T-60 would be the way it is, it would actually make less sense for it to look radically different.