Tabletop Skyrim Players Needed.

Post » Wed Nov 09, 2016 6:02 am

Me and a friend have been talking recently about a very well know game known as Dungeons and Dragons.

Now the way this applies here is we want to start a game that is like D&D but a Skyrim oriented variant, the lore will be included along with basic stat control. This shouldn't be hard with Skyrim as the game did start from D&D and you can see much of the Dice Roll mechanic in Morrowind.

We want an adventure table top on a website called Roll20 and we are looking for a few more players to join us. This will require a basic character, backstory is optional but highly requested for the sake of the Dungeon master. Of course the spot of DM is currently being debated between me, the one person I know for a fact will play, and possibly an old D&D pro.

Basically I am requesting any Skyrim and D&D fans or people who are a fan of one but into the idea to speak to me about joining the quest. We have me and one other, that's two for now but we plan to have a max party of 6 to 8, more likely 6. You can convince me to let you be Dungeon master depending on your proficiency.

As for the basic race rules you will be allowed to choose any of the sentient races that still exist in the Skyrim lore as we will pick up right after the last Dragon Born does their thing and the world is saved from Alduin. For now we will probably restrict the map but we will look at all of Tamriel as a play zone depending on how long the game goes for. The rules are still being decided on so keep in mind we might not play for a few more weeks to a month at most.

This will be a great way to make friends and revive Skyrim and D&D for many of us. I am asking early to gt as many applicants as possible for the journey before we start, I hate late commers but if somebody drops out I will accept people halfway through (Of course you will have to wait for us in town or something)

Thank you for your consideration. I figured this was the best place for me to ask this.

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Jon O
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