Correct me if I'm wrong on this, cause I haven't been plugged into the Skyrim development until today.
But it seems as if you don't pick Major/Minor skills. That you start out with all skills equal and increase them through use (with the stones adding increase bonuses for some) - in this way you will become a character based on what you do, not what you choose (like in a class system).
My problem with this is that it gives us characters that are tabula rasas - blank slates. This would be perfectly fine, except that our characters have already lived twenty years. That's twenty years of experiences where they have become proficient at certain skills, no differently than we set out to do in our game. Why is my character being denied those twenty years of experience? More importantly - it is hardly realistic that a man should be equally good (or equally bad) at everything. As some have said, the game ensures that you can't be a jack of all trades, so why is your character after (at least) twenty years of life?
Am I mistaken about the beginning skill system? What is character generation going to be like? Just pick a face and a race and you're done?
Your char is not denied 20 yrs xp, they have been imprisoned so skills have slipped a bit as is the usual case with TES games.
The game does not ensure that you cannot be a jack of all trades, you decide that by your actions or lack thereof just like rl, it never pays to start out a jack of all trades, as it restricts you from specializing in any 1 field, and this is normal to rl also.
Picking a race itself will give you some bonuses, and as of yet, we dont know any more, so why worry till we do ?