Listen u buttmunch Silent you are too stupid to be a mammal. Live Create only works for maps and adding asserts to the maps. With live create a level designer does not have to create levels on all three platforms but instead he/she can do it simultaneously.
Its just for Level designers not game programmers. But if you had some grey matter in ur giant waste of space you call ur skull you would know that.
I too hate the retard mode. The levels are too small and retard more takes the fun out of exploring. I think its targeted audience are short attention span console gamers, well if you can call them gamers
Dude you cant explain anything to that guy... He is probably a majority stockholder of Crytek because he defends this game no matter what...
Oh and the "retard mode" thing made me chuckle

I also would like to be able to turn off the Nanosuit's GPS - aka it tells you how to play the damn game for you -_-