» Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:26 am
Well, for MLG, the format for teams has always been 4v4. That would mandate having 1 of each class in the game, and the strategies I think wouldn't be very drastic. 2 mediums, 1 light, and one heavy, or 2 lights, one medium, and one heavy. I'm thinking back to Shadowrun, where the 3 most used races (dwarves excluded) usually had compositions consisting of 1 troll, 1-2 humans, and 1-2 elves. Usually you had 2 elves, just because pip management was much easier, and resurrects wouldn't completely kill your ability to use magic.
I always imagined that heavies would be tanks, but quite frankly, it doesn't seem like you have that much health anyways. It's not like trolls in Shadowrun, where the additional armor kept kicking in and allowed you to absorb so much damage.
Either way, I don't know if I'm going to do competitive gaming again or not. If I did competitive gaming, it would probably be for Starcraft 2, because quite frankly the scene is larger, but for pubs, I just plan on doing support work mostly, seeing as others generally don't do it.
I'm not going to speculate compositions and things beyond that until the game is released. I don't want bad ideas in my mind about how things HAVE to work. Everyone did that with Zerg in SC2 and now the playstyles for Zerg are evolving so fast...