» Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:14 pm
I wonder how many people criticize Nintendo for releasing too many so-called "kid" games have actually played them. A game doesn't need to have blood, swearing, and grey and brown graphics to be good. Games like Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, Zelda, Donkey Kong Country Returns, etc are absolutely solid games for advlts. There is nothing "kid friendly" about games like that other than not including excessive blood, etc. I think Nintendo would do better courting third parties for games like that, or perhaps use Retro Studios and Monolith Soft (both first party studios now that were once independent). There's certainly a place for more mature games, but don't dismiss all of the E rated games as "for kids." A game that isn't exclusive to teens and advlts doesn't always mean it's not challenging, especially when it comes to Nintendo.
I really look forward to seeing what Nintendo is going to do with project Café. Obviously the topic is wrong. Nintendo isn't even close to being in trouble right now. They could not sell a single additional Wii ever again and they'd still be in better shape than Microsoft (which has done well) and Sony (which has pulled out okay).
Sony is the one that lost big this console generation. It took a dominating position at number one and tanked it all the way to number three, selling a piece of equipment that was needlessly complicated to develop for, launched at a price FAR too much for a console, and still ate a loss that ensured that it took years for the PS3 brand to even turn a profit. Before the PS3 Slim launched, it looked like Sony would struggle just to break even on the PS3 brand.
Microsoft did well, and is in a better situation than Sony for its console, though Sony has been doing way better lately.
Nintendo has a huge war chest now for the next console launch. The screen in the new controller probably isn't just a "gimmick." People talk about it supposedly being bad to have to "look down" at the controller, but that's not a big deal if you're going through inventory and such. If anything, would your character not have to look at a pocket, etc, to manage inventory? The screen doesn't replace anolog sticks or buttons, and if it still has triggers it may turn out to be an awesome revolution when it comes to console gaming control.
If Nintendo plays the cards right, it could definitely come to pose serious competition to Sony and Microsoft even with third party games, which Nintendo hasn't had good support for since the SNES.
Yes, it's been a long time since Nintendo appealed to ALL gamers, but it has before. I'd love to see this Café become the SNES of the next console generation.