Been watching Kwings news on Nintendo Wii and such on YouTube and it doesn't sound to good. Mostly the problem seems to be the 3DS and the Wii sales arn't doing to good and I can see why.
Mostly Nintendo has mostly released kid friendly games and maybe once in a blue moon might make a game for the casual and hard core gamers. Another problem Nintendo has is that they always capitalized on their core games like Mario, Link, Metriod and Donkey Kong but rarely try to venture out to other areas. Also their CEO has even blame the consumer for falling sale and that's a no-no, Never blame your customers for your companies problems. Blaming the consumer will cause folks to seek out a new system to play on. Now I like Nintendo, it was the gaming platform I grew up with along with Sega and I like to see them release more original games rather then keep with their core characters----but that's probably never going to happen.