Realistically this would work. However in an RPG I believe it is better for a higher quality weapon to do more damage. Because despite all the innovation and everything it is still similar to a traditional RPG. This comes from the fact that as you gain experience you will level up and as you level up you will undoubtedly gain more HP.
Now if weapons were all about a test of materials this would work inthe happy fun time situain that all enemies have the same HP or at least a similar amount.
say your iron dagger does a set amount of damage against an unarmored target lets say
(Please note these values are cmpletely made up and not represntative of how peoples health woudl change by that level)
Enemy: Bandit
Lv: 1
HP: 100
Armor level: 0 (0%)
Amount of damage against target using iron dagger: 20
Subractied by armor value: 0
total damage: 20 (1/5 of maximum health)
Now lets day this is the same situation with the ebony dagger.
Enemy: Bandit
HP: 300 Armor level: 0 (0%)
amount of damage done against target with Ebony Dagger: 20 (because as you said they are the same just of different materials)
Subtracted by armor value: 0
total damage: 20 (1/15) of maximum health
Notice the difference? If all daggers had the same ability to cut as any other, weapons would gradually become less effective even though they are of higher quality. While the target with 100 health can only take 5 hits. The one with 300 can take 15
Also a few extra notes:
1: Should your skill with a weapon make it possible to completely destroy someone no matter the quality what would be the point of gearing up?
2: I AGREE that striking unarmored parts of an opponent should do more damage, but I do NOT agree with all weapons of a same type doing the same damage.
3: In this scenario what would be the point of gathering some kind of legendary weapon? The only benefit between it and a weapon of the same quality would the enchantment it came with.
4: Lets take a view of it like this, it works in your system. You say that the differences in material should cause more damage against weaker materials? Well lets just say that unarmored is the weakest material in game, so an ebony dagger will OBVIOUSLY cut through human flesh easier than an iron one.
You bring up some good points. I hadn't considered leveling up and health increases. I'll admit that I had real life in mind when writing my ideas down. In real life a few good strikes would defeat anyone, but of course this is a game. If your ability to take damage didn't change much between Level 1 and Level 50 few people would bother leveling. In that case weapon damage would probably have to be much more dependent on weapon skill than what I had proposed. Either that or leveling up would just increase the duration of the fights.
1. Gearing up would make it much easier to defeat other well geared enemies. Being skilled with a blade, you should be able to defeat a well geared enemy with an iron sword, but you would fare much better with a silver one.
2. The damage wouldn't have to be the same, but the difference would be negligible. Which might as well be the same I suppose.
3. Obtaining a legendary weapon would come with prestige and knowing that you're the only one to wield a weapon of its kind. They would have higher item health and be more valuable.
4. I was considering unarmored as presenting little if no resistance to weapons. You wouldn't say that an ebony dagger cuts through water better than an iron one.
This is mostly off the top of my head so obviously there will be problems and balance issues, but I welcome a discussion.
I like the idea, though Drizzitdude has a great point. The problem here is that the HP gain per level is too high, while there is not a damage gain per level. The damage increment could do the trick, as far as its equal or higher than the HP gain per level.
True, but applying this to enemies too would mean that the difference in levels between you and your opponents would matter more than the actual value of the levels. Which I suppose could work.