Maybe this helps:
I was having a heck of a time with this Brynjolf guy as well. I was suppose to meet him in the bar under the town but he just stood in the room outside doing nothing... I pushed him all the way across the room but he still just stood there. I entered the bar area and then went on into the next canol (or w/e) area and came back in. Voila! He was working again and he went to where he was supposed to.
Then after completing my next quest with him he was suppose to take me to the Thieves Guild leader, but no, I found him stuck in his stall still attracting everyone's attention like my first task with him was still going on. I figure that has been the problem, that script or w/e never stopped running.
He wouldn't move at all and I did various things trying to progress... eventually I shot an old woman in the head and he viciously struck her down for the insolence (of having the audacity to be shot in the head). My interpolation. Anyways, a guard comes to scold me and I bribe him, Brynjolf stops "attracting" the crowd, they disperse, and finally he leads me where I'm supposed to go. Seems all is well.
Moral: If all else fails, shoot an old lady in the head.