» Sat Jul 09, 2011 2:16 pm
Everyone keeps getting up in arms about levitation, mark and recall, and yes, those were cool spells to have. However, Bethesda has a point - they can potentially screw up a game if you aren't careful, even if used appropriately.
Lets take a totally different example. If you ever played Ultima Underworld II: Labyrinth of Worlds, you probably remember the Ethereal Void. (The equivalent to Oblivion, I suppose) Well, if you toss back a certain plant (the ones with white flowers) and go to sleep, you end up "lucid dreaming" in the Ethereal Void. It's just like going there, only you can fly, and you can't die (though you do seem to take damage)
That is interesting enough, but once you add in moonstones, it gets more interesting. If you go to sleep after eating the flower, while holding a moonstone in your hand, you can toss the moonstone into the void. Normally, this would be kind of dumb, but every once in a while, you actually end up at the Shrine of Spirituality, which is in a cage. (important in the main Ultima series, it was used to imprison the Time Lord)
MUCH later in the game, you are supposed to defeat the Ethereal void, end up here, and snag the blackrock gem. Well, here you are dreaming of the same place, only you have a moonstone in your hand, can't really die, and can fly. Toss the stone through the bars, wake up, then cast gatespell on the other one (which you should have on the floor), and bam - you just bypassed the entire Ethereal Void. If you do this enough, you can even get the experience of having gone there for real, but with little real risk - and the advantage of waking up if you take too much damage instead of dying.
I would argue that this was on the hairy edge of being an exploit, or a cheat, except that the game already had the flowers that would let you travel to the Void in your sleep, and using moonstones to get past these sorts of obstacles was used elsewhere. Did the game designers imagine you would do this? Who knows, but it was a neat stunt.
So, I can see where Bethesda is coming from on this one.