I'm sorry, friend, I have some bad news. You're not a genius because you figured out that casting Charm 100 points for 1 second on touch was all you'd ever need to make everyone like you. Nor are you a genius for figuring out that if you go into stealth mode and walk into a corner while you're next to someone who's sleeping you can become a master thief. Nor are you Einstein for mixing together Ash Yams and Netch Leather over and over again until your character can turn common ingredients into super-potions that imbue him with godlike power.
I'm surprised you typed all that out instead of just quoting me because that's totally what I said, right? Remember that thread about not misrepresenting other people's statements? I think it's closed now, but you might want to download and read it again before it is deleted.
That said, I'd really like to hear your solution for fixing that sneak exploit (which is clearly an exploit and not at all what I was talking about) without radically changing the level-through-use system. The rest are relatively easy fixes. With dialogue in real time now, charm exploitation shouldn't be nearly as problematic. You could just increase the difficulty or casting cost for the spell, too. For Alchemy, just force the player to create more challenging potions to continue leveling after a certain point.
Holy [censored], I just came up with a few easy fixes to questions I'd never even though of before. And Beth gets
paid to do this stuff.
These exploits people complain about were not obscure and difficult thing that you had to work the system and get around technicalities to find. They were pretty much right there, begging you to abuse them. Eliminating these things is good because it makes for more challenging gameplay, thus giving your decisions more weight and creating more interesting possibilities. They've mishandled some things -- Levitation "breaking" interesting situations is a virtue of level design, damn it -- but overall putting restrictions in place makes for a better game.
Gameplay should be naturally challenging, not simply because you've put arbitrary limitations on the player. It's a bit trickier since this is a completely different game, but looking at the series as a whole? Removing teleportation and levitation
is an arbitrary limitation. The solution should have been to design enemies that have ranged/aerial attacks and to design quests without limiting scripted sequences that would break if you teleport away.