Taking the easy way out

Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 9:06 am

Let's face it, spellmaking is probably out. Personally I am fine with that, the new ways of casting spells should add tactical elements, that make up for it's removal. And while spellmaking gave loads of options, it didn't require you to make any meaningful choices. my opinion, nothing more of course but I think an rpg is not defined by options and customisation, but by any choices you are forced to make, and the consequences of those choices.
As to saying 'the easy way out', surely that would be Oblivion 2?

Other than traps I am not seeing anything that adds a tactical element. Honestly I don't see much of anything past previous spell casting systems other than looks. Everything else is just a hot key in disguise.
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bonita mathews
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 10:11 am

I have noticed a rather disturbing trend in the details we have heard so far about Skyrim.
  • The attribute system has been replaced with a perk tree system. So rather than building your character with a combination of 1 to 100 skill scales, you build him with perks that package those abilities into neat little ability boxes.
  • There is no longer any spell making. Instead, Bethesda is giving us pre packaged spells that are sealed off - uneditable.
  • There are fewer skills and spells. Many of the ones that were removed were axed because they allowed the player to do things that are inconvenient for a developer. e.g. mark and recall, acrobatics, etc.
  • Two of the armor slots have been welded togeter, and one of the big motivations for the change was that players might combine two pieces of armor that would either look funny, or clip together awfully.

Noticing a pattern here? Rather than allow us to customize things, they seal them off and hand them to us in a neat little box. I guess they took more from Apple than just the inspiration for the interface design. The cost of all of these changes is freedom. We no longer have the freedom to mix and match the armor pieces on our bodies, we no longer have the freedom to define our characters with a TES style stats system (hello Diablo), we can no longer create our own spells, and we can no longer run faster than other character by virtue of a skill (because running is something you can clearly only get better at in huge jumps, i.e. perks). Sure it might be a challenge to design cool looking armor styles that all work with each other. Sure it might take some more work to make an accessible spell making system that is compatible with the new casting mechanics. Sure it might even be nearly impossible to see the benefits of catering to a PC audience that wants more customization instead of less in the character development. But I wish when faced with the choice of doing a little more work to make a given system work, or simplifying it awfully, they would choose to solve the problems associated with player freedom rather than amputate one of its vital organs.

Please discuss.

Yet its for the reason of freedom that they cut these things.
The overhaul on the magic system has been, generally, for the better.
You don't [censored] about developing games so don't tell them off for removing or changing things they had to.
And the motivation for the combined armours was for more sets and more npcs on the screen
I'm not calling you a whiner, but your arguments are full of half truths and misguided assumptions. You fail to look on the whole and only see the changes you don't like.
And this has nothing to do with PC vs Console gaming, but hardcoe vs Casual. When I heard Todd say that anyone could pick up this game and play I was a bit disappointed, but then I heard that the systems will be more dynamic and deep, yet more accessible.

Just because something is accessible doesn't mean its dumbed down.
This. don't try to bring a reasoned argument and point out somethings up, if your not praising Skyrim in your sleep your a whiner. just smile, nod, and wait for Skyrim.

If thats the way you think, but most arguments I have seen are not reasoned, constructive, or don't take everything into account(like the OP)

as much as i would love a game tailored to exactly what i want in the game, it just isnt going to happen....... ever. because fans want different things. you cant just develop a game for a set group, it would be uninspiring. i also think people need to remeber this is bethesda's game not ours.

Here Here. I agree comletely to many people have been claiming TES as theirs.
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 10:23 am

Very well said OP, I agree.

I can't understand why so many people are in denial about the negative impact streamlining is having on the series. What's it going to take? Maybe if BGS decided to scrap the open-world in future in favour of a linear one (for similar reasons as those used to justify merging armour) ...maybe then people would realise.
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Annick Charron
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:50 am

Other than traps I am not seeing anything that adds a tactical element. Honestly I don't see much of anything past previous spell casting systems other than looks. Everything else is just a hot key in disguise.

So a choice of fireball, flame thrower, or explosion in all directions, and the option to dual wield and so dual cast, add nothing, but being able to make 50 versions of the same fireball, tweaked for maximum damage, was essential?
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Kate Murrell
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:46 pm

Skyrim will be epic, regardless of whatever changes are made.
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phillip crookes
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 3:36 am

So instead a giant unbalanced mess, we got a well designed choice system...


... horrible indeed...
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:10 am

Allthough I partly agree with you. Expect the usual crowd of people saying you're just whining for the sake of whining blablabla.Honestly I'd advice you to join some of the many other threads on these specific issues. Starting a new general one wont do any good.

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Austin Suggs
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:53 am

So a choice of fireball, flame thrower, or explosion in all directions, and the option to dual wield and so dual cast, add nothing, but being able to make 50 versions of the same fireball, tweaked for maximum damage, was essential?

yah apparently the fire "ball" that did 20 dps was different from the one that did 21 dps :shrug:
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:17 am

gpstr has a right to be a little bit arrogant. He's one of a small number of people who seem to know what's good for the series.

Well, not really. Seeing as what you define as 'what's good for the series' is different to what other people may think is 'good for the series'. Sure, he has the right to voice his opinion but being arrogant about it doesn't really add anything to his argument.
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Taylah Haines
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 2:56 pm

as much as i would love a game tailored to exactly what i want in the game, it just isnt going to happen....... ever. because fans want different things. you cant just develop a game for a set group, it would be uninspiring. i also think people need to remeber this is bethesda's game not ours.

Good point, people should be a little less " I WANT " and lets see what Bethesda comes up with
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:59 am

So a choice of fireball, flame thrower, or explosion in all directions, and the option to dual wield and so dual cast, add nothing, but being able to make 50 versions of the same fireball, tweaked for maximum damage, was essential?

No those don't really add very much at all. Flame thrower, reflavored damage spells with a duration, a point blank AoE doesn't add much more than an AoE other than making it easier to deliver. Dual wield? That is not much different than me designing a spell with 2 effects, having the same spell in both hands is no different than a making a spell with a higher magnitude. They look better sure, but everything else is minor or a hot key in disguise. And none of these things in any ways justify the removal of spell making and in no way are tied to it.
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Brian Newman
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:34 am

I have noticed a rather disturbing trend in the details we have heard so far about Skyrim.
  • The attribute system has been replaced with a perk tree system. So rather than building your character with a combination of 1 to 100 skill scales, you build him with perks that package those abilities into neat little ability boxes.
  • There is no longer any spell making. Instead, Bethesda is giving us pre packaged spells that are sealed off - uneditable.
  • There are fewer skills and spells. Many of the ones that were removed were axed because they allowed the player to do things that are inconvenient for a developer. e.g. mark and recall, acrobatics, etc.
  • Two of the armor slots have been welded togeter, and one of the big motivations for the change was that players might combine two pieces of armor that would either look funny, or clip together awfully.

Noticing a pattern here? Rather than allow us to customize things, they seal them off and hand them to us in a neat little box. I guess they took more from Apple than just the inspiration for the interface design. The cost of all of these changes is freedom. We no longer have the freedom to mix and match the armor pieces on our bodies, we no longer have the freedom to define our characters with a TES style stats system (hello Diablo), we can no longer create our own spells, and we can no longer run faster than other character by virtue of a skill (because running is something you can clearly only get better at in huge jumps, i.e. perks). Sure it might be a challenge to design cool looking armor styles that all work with each other. Sure it might take some more work to make an accessible spell making system that is compatible with the new casting mechanics. Sure it might even be nearly impossible to see the benefits of catering to a PC audience that wants more customization instead of less in the character development. But I wish when faced with the choice of doing a little more work to make a given system work, or simplifying it awfully, they would choose to solve the problems associated with player freedom rather than amputate one of its vital organs.

Please discuss.

I agree.
It seems that what I loved about TES in the first place will finally have totally died with Skyrim. Oblivion took the hatchet to so many little features I loved, but Skyrim takes away even more.
I am still very upset about spellmaking.

Im still not sure, Ill give Skyrim an honest try. But maybe it will be the last Bethesda game I will ever play.
if the game turn out as I fear and not much of the wonderful choice and freedom I loved about Daggerfall and Morrowind remain I will have to move on.
I hope I wont have to and Im actually a bit saddened to have to write the above, but Im not someone who continues to purchase ham and cheese sandwiches when the ham has been taken out and only the name reminds of what is lost.
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 5:42 am

I love, how everything in this post, doesn't even apply to the guy in question.

Also to the one that said "if thats the way I think" oh no thats just how it is here all of a sudden, if you are not praising Skyrim in your sleep, you are a whiner someone, like the OP can't even discuss their concerns without getting bashed...which this thread serves a testament to, the information is there and the devs have been pretty clear what is not, and people are -STILL- disputing that, for instance we already knew/had an Idea armor was merged, for months, and then the E3 gave more evidence, and then the run around with Ashley cheng and people STILL said "you guys are alarmist they aren't merge shut up Skyrim will be epic" it took nothing less then a Dev coming out and saying it straight up that its merged and people are STILL defending it :lmao: take it what you will, the dissonance is uncanny, I don't absolutely care, but when I see people getting bashed because they are bringning something to attention, I like to raise a flag on it.

I agree with you here, although i'm kinda on the other side of the fence. But the principle i still agree with. I don't think there's anything wrong with people voicing an issue they have with the potential game, but if you're going to make a thread based on a certain issue its vital in the interest of fairness that you weigh up both the pros and cons of the issue. If people can formulate a well balanced argument then kudos to them, its the people who constantly list negative upon negative about a game they haven't even played yet who annoy me.
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:57 am

  • There are fewer skills and spells. Many of the ones that were removed were axed because they allowed the player to do things that are inconvenient for a developer. e.g. mark and recall, acrobatics, etc.
  • Two of the armor slots have been welded togeter, and one of the big motivations for the change was that players might combine two pieces of armor that would either look funny, or clip together awfully.

I'm sorry, but are you listening to yourself on these two? Your just complaining for the sake of complaining. Mark and Recall and Levitation aren't just inconvenient, your being nieve. They literally LIMIT the amount of things the developer can do with the game. No more getting takin prisoner, or being stuck in a dungeon for a perfectly legit story related reason. Why? Because you could just recall right out. No more directing the players movement, to tell a story, control events, and direct gameplay. Why? Because they can just levitate right out!

And that sentence about armor, just sounds rediculous. They combined them so they dont clip and look like garbage. They are literally making it so bad things can't happen, and all you can do is complain? Wow. If you hate the game so much, don't buy it. Problem solved. Wait, let me guess, you would just complain about that too, wouldn't you?
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:41 am

Well, not really. Seeing as what you define as 'what's good for the series' is different to what other people may think is 'good for the series'.

Everyone has their own opinions on what's good for the series... but some of those opinions are more right than others. That's the way life works i'm afraid.
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Natasha Callaghan
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 3:11 pm

And that sentence about armor, just sounds rediculous. They combined them so they dont clip and look like garbage.

Thats the thing though... morrowind had clipping issues sure, but I never had a clipping problem in oblivion... not at any time ever in my 1000 hours of gameplay.
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:43 am

I see where the OP is coming from, but I think this is a case of "work smarter, not harder" in regards to the dev team. They have found more efficient ways of getting to a place that affords more variety and rewarding gameplay than before.

I am all for complexity and intricacy but I'm also very interested to see how this new system will pan out. I loathed the perk trees of Dragon Age 2 and Witcher 2 so hopefully this system is done with those terrible executions in mind.

As for gamesas's preventative measures like Mark and Recall removal and Levitation removal, I think this is the wrong approach. As Todd has said many times they want to give players the tools and let players "make" the game they want to play. This is not referring to the creation kit, but the game itself. The idea that these spells break the game, in light of that philosophy, makes no sense. My response is "so what?" If you want to really "direct" my experience you can always justify some way to have levitate and mark/recall spells not available (some kind of magical barrier or dampener - something Morrowind modders figured out pretty quickly) and if you allow me to have those spells I don't "break the game," I WIN THE QUEST. The issue here is that gamesas's quest-lines have been getting more and more linear, and they simply don't want to account for much more player ingenuity than they already have to. This is not so much laziness as it is time and budget. Simply adding one of those spells would up the time a QA team needed to test every instance of the game and try to use that spell to get out of, or circumvent it. Personally, it's the wrong approach as far as I'm concerned, but I understand why they decided on it.
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:38 pm

Okay, what is that important thing that is gone and cannot be done in Skyrim in any shape or form that could be done in Oblivion or Morrowind?
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:19 am

No those don't really add very much at all. Flame thrower, reflavored damage spells with a duration, a point blank AoE doesn't add much more than an AoE other than making it easier to deliver. Dual wield? That is not much different than me designing a spell with 2 effects, having the same spell in both hands is no different than a making a spell with a higher magnitude. They look better sure, but everything else is minor or a hot key in disguise. And none of these things in any ways justify the removal of spell making and in no way are tied to it.

Honestly? You really think different ways to cast the same spell on the fly will add nothing to the Game? And the different side effects from different elements? Do they add nothing compared to the glory of an easy to abuse spell making system that, once you had it sussed, allowed spells that removed every trace of challenge from the game?
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gary lee
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:34 pm

No those don't really add very much at all. Flame thrower, reflavored damage spells with a duration, a point blank AoE doesn't add much more than an AoE other than making it easier to deliver. Dual wield? That is not much different than me designing a spell with 2 effects, having the same spell in both hands is no different than a making a spell with a higher magnitude. They look better sure, but everything else is minor or a hot key in disguise. And none of these things in any ways justify the removal of spell making and in no way are tied to it.

Spell making wasn't removed, it just hasn't been added to the new system, because of difficulty adding it in a satisfying way, remember Beth doesn't wanna do something if it can't be done adequately. Also duelwielding spells adds tactical decision because it's sacrificing safety for more power. Fire now damage over time, and linger behind when inflaming the environment, while frost slows down, these a now properties of the elements not something you need to add, as soon as something has to do with fire, it now has these properties by definition of the element.
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Matt Terry
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:02 pm

Honestly? You really think different ways to cast the same spell on the fly will add nothing to the Game? And the different side effects from different elements? Do they add nothing compared to the glory of an easy to abuse spell making system that, once you had it sussed, allowed spells that removed every trace of challenge from the game?

I think he likes that magic system being basically colored balls that do specific effects, instead of actual fire that burns ice that freezes ...etc

maybe he also wants the old archery and speech wheel system back
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:57 am

Everyone has their own opinions on what's good for the series... but some of those opinions are more right than others. That's the way life works i'm afraid.

Being 'more right' is a purely subjective matter. People who want Morrowind 2 will think streamlining the game is 'less right', guys who want Skyrim will think its 'more right'.

If you can give me any facts that prove that Bethesda are ruining the series, then i'll be happy to concede.
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Your Mum
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:05 am

I'm sorry, but are you listening to yourself on these two? Your just complaining for the sake of complaining. Mark and Recall and Levitation aren't just inconvenient, your being nieve. They literally LIMIT the amount of things the developer can do with the game. No more getting takin prisoner, or being stuck in a dungeon for a perfectly legit story related reason. Why? Because you could just recall right out. No more directing the players movement, to tell a story, control events, and direct gameplay. Why? Because they can just levitate right out!

And that sentence about armor, just sounds rediculous. They combined them so they dont clip and look like garbage. They are literally making it so bad things can't happen, and all you can do is complain? Wow. If you hate the game so much, don't buy it. Problem solved. Wait, let me guess, you would just complain about that too, wouldn't you?

I see it totally the other way around.
Removing levitation and mark and recall is an invitation to what I call lazy level design.

I mean the sort of levels I saw on my NES 8 bit in 1985. Where a rock is conveniently just to high too jump over, so you have to take the long way around.
That is false difficulty and a device to make a small world seem bigger.
Oblivion dungeons I found particularly horrible just because of this. I have seen dungeons like this twenty years before, only with worse graphics.
One long windy path with levers.

I have yet to see one valid example of a quest or dungeon that is better with a fixed jump height and no levitation or teleportation than one without.
Easier to design, yes.
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Catherine N
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:09 am

How is adding spell casting types means no spell making? do you know how freaking happy that would make alot of people that is the epicness of chaining frost and lightining together in a cloud?

or a True Wizards fury where Fire,Ice and shock are spewed forth in a massive torrent of "oh hell yes I am a badass" ?

How many posts have I seen, saying that anyone that likes the new system is part of the "dumb mainstream"? how many times, do we just try to give valid argument, and then someone goes all depressive and says "this series is ruined! now only dumbasses can enjoy it!"?

I'll tell you. quite often. This guy doesn't say those however. He just turns his sentences in a way that doesn't directly insult anyone, but when you read between the lines mean that he definitely thinks he's above the people he argues against. THAT'S what I hate. Why? because I feel concerned by it. I haven't criticized a lot of things because I like where the series is going. So why does that make me dumber than the average person? It's like saying "you like peaches, you're dumb", except that he says it in a way that goes "Well, I'm not in favor of peaches at all. It seems though that people seem to like them a lot, so I guess I can go that low" you see? not direct, but still insulting nonetheless

ok but see this is what imo your doing wrong, your reading inbetween the lines, its called the internet, who cares what he thinks of people who likes streamlining? does it apply to you? does it make you feel less of a human being when he is one as well? IGNORE IT I feel its better for one to responed to post based on its Principle/content and not how you -think- the other guy is/acting/saying/feeling.

your thoughts work in reverse to and is used far more often from my experience anyway.....I mean...look at this thread.
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Your Mum
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 9:43 am

I'm sorry, but are you listening to yourself on these two? Your just complaining for the sake of complaining. Mark and Recall and Levitation aren't just inconvenient, your being nieve. They literally LIMIT the amount of things the developer can do with the game. No more getting takin prisoner, or being stuck in a dungeon for a perfectly legit story related reason. Why? Because you could just recall right out. No more directing the players movement, to tell a story, control events, and direct gameplay. Why? Because they can just levitate right out!

Wanna know something that limits the developers far more? Having an open-world. Think how much they could direct the players movement, tell a story, control events, and direct gameplay if the gameworld was linear.

TES is supposed to be about player freedom. That's what separates it from all the linear, story-driven RPGs out there. :confused:
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