- The attribute system has been replaced with a perk tree system. So rather than building your character with a combination of 1 to 100 skill scales, you build him with perks that package those abilities into neat little ability boxes.
- There is no longer any spell making. Instead, Bethesda is giving us pre packaged spells that are sealed off - uneditable.
- There are fewer skills and spells. Many of the ones that were removed were axed because they allowed the player to do things that are inconvenient for a developer. e.g. mark and recall, acrobatics, etc.
- Two of the armor slots have been welded togeter, and one of the big motivations for the change was that players might combine two pieces of armor that would either look funny, or clip together awfully.
Noticing a pattern here? Rather than allow us to customize things, they seal them off and hand them to us in a neat little box. I guess they took more from Apple than just the inspiration for the interface design. The cost of all of these changes is freedom. We no longer have the freedom to mix and match the armor pieces on our bodies, we no longer have the freedom to define our characters with a TES style stats system (hello Diablo), we can no longer create our own spells, and we can no longer run faster than other character by virtue of a skill (because running is something you can clearly only get better at in huge jumps, i.e. perks). Sure it might be a challenge to design cool looking armor styles that all work with each other. Sure it might take some more work to make an accessible spell making system that is compatible with the new casting mechanics. Sure it might even be nearly impossible to see the benefits of catering to a PC audience that wants more customization instead of less in the character development. But I wish when faced with the choice of doing a little more work to make a given system work, or simplifying it awfully, they would choose to solve the problems associated with player freedom rather than amputate one of its vital organs.
Please discuss.