Taking work as a Guard

Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 7:37 am

I have 100% completion in Red Dead, so if I feel like going for a ride on the lone prairie, I like to still have these things to do like bounty hunting, night watch, poker, and stuff like that. It extends the life of the game.
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:50 am

I would actually quite like being a guard, and nothing says guard duty has to be a very inactive job. The place you are working as a guard for could have spies that know of an incoming attack and you'd be asked to be on guard duty. Or there could be a visit from neighbouring royalty and they need guards at the ready in case of an emegency (which obviously would come, or even not obviously, having a few quests that don't go as you expect them to could be a fun refresher), there could also be body-guard duty, like in Oblivion where there were guards body-guarding
Adamus Phillida in his retirement years
, also one could be a prison guard and there could be an outbreak, or even just a normal guard at a keep which would be attacked by some sort of creatures.

There are so many possibilities and I'd like them all :D
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:49 am

I'd like to see it become a possible job. Not just patrolling though, there should be a number of possible duties to perform that act as repeatable quests. Maybe in one you might need to protect a VIP or witness to some crime from assassins, escort a group of prisoners to jail/execution, find the hideout of a den of thieves by gathering information and bringing them to justice, find a certain fugitive based on a short description, investigate a murder, rescue a child from a kidnapper demanding ransom, go out with a platoon to kill a nearby nesting dragon, etc. Plenty of different opportunities for fun and exciting quests as a guard.
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:16 am

I only do one thing with guards:-

*as I notice a guard at the entrance of Riverwood, I leap behind a thick tree overhead*

*pulling out an arrow and bow, I ready up my shot and fire in very great accuracy*

*the guard is pinned to the wall by his throat and is dead, while looking to be still standing*

*i walk over and snap the arrow piece that is pointing out to attract no attention*

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