First of all, it is NOT MY program - it is written by VICSHANN and I am just a voice actor. He is responsible for the technical part and I'm just managing the casting and voice acting in the russian version of the project. So, I'll ask him whether it is possible to make separate TTS for each race.
Thank you.
Technically, it is possible BUT: there are a great number of NPCs and most of them have a great number of common phrases. If we are recording separate voices for each race it is not so dramatic but if we are making the separate voice for each NPC - the number of files and therefore the size would be tremendous!!!
It would, if we did every single NPC in the whole Vvardenfell, but even if we did that, how likely is you talk to every single character during a game?
I was thinking of concentrating and dividing it down to the famous ones. That includes the important ones such as Eydis Fire-Eye, Caius Cosades in Balmora and of course the story lined persons to, Addhiranirr in Vivec, Mirpal in Tel Mora, Dagoth Uthol in the dungeon dome (Charma's Breath) to name but a few. All and all I round it up to about.. 50-60 people that you meet during the single player scenario including some funny and kind important NPCs you meet through the world. 60 people. We need 60 people to audition that like Morrowind, they don't even have to like it. It's also a fact that a half of every single persons thus own a computer also got a microphone. --got more, but i save it till latter.- But I can leak out that a audition site is being developed.
The only mic I have is part of my headset, my computer runs loud enough to be heard in the background and I have a colony of ravens living outside my window. Any of which would ruin a voice recording.
Great, I see you got experience, the equipment and also having real life sound effect is lovely! I hope your up for doing a part in this vigorous reshaping of MW that will give a total new game experience. --
I too have a microphone and would probably be willing to contribute a little, but it just brings up the issue of sound quality again. It would be fairly obvious to hear I was speaking into a cheap microphone.
If there is a noise in the background while you talk, that can be used in the game. noise can be adjusted, it can be added more background sound to make it sound like your in a tavern, market, out in street etc. It can be added more voices, sound effect to arranged to make it suitable for the situation. I mean, I believe if you just keep a decent voice volume and give it enough emotions and effort into it, all the rest can be fixed. My thoughts, after all it just supposed to be a fun thing! :dance: