Is Talos a daedra?

Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:06 pm

Many people in Tamriel consider Talos as the chief of the Nine Divines. We already know the Eight are aedra. But Talos can't be an Aedra due to his lack of cooperation of making Mundus. Plus Aedra means "from those that are our ancestors" and Daedra means "those that are not our ancestors". And Talos is clearly not the ancestor of any race.

So is my anolisis correct or did I miss something?

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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 7:06 am

Talos would be Talos, he isn't a Daedra, he isn't an Aedra, he isn't an Et'ada, hes just a god.

He doesn't reside in Oblivion, he doesn't have his own Oblivion realm, he isn't unable to create like the daedra are.

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