So do I have this right? Wulfharth was an avatar of Akatosh? As was this Wulf fellow, Pelinal and The Prophet?
Ummm. Almost. Specifically speaking:
Wulfharth = avatar of Shor
Pelinal = composite ada containing the essences of Aka and Shor
Wulf = Avatar of Talos
the Prophet = either an avatar of Talos (as suggested by him giving you Talos's blessing, i.e. speaking for a god) or a cleverly disguised Pelinal ghost
However, since Aka and Shor are two sides of the same coin, just as an imperial septim has a man on one side and a dragon on the other, fundamentally speaking you are correct.

Hope that last little bit didn't confuse you.
In case you're confused about Talos's relationship to Aka and Shor, let me clarify a little, at least as much as my understanding will allow...
As proweler said (and he's right more often than not):
[quote name='proweler' date='Sep 15 2008, 02:19 PM' post='12840868']
Talos filled the empty spot in the roster that was left by Shezarr when he had gone missing. They are same 'thing' because Tiber Septim mantled Lorkhan by having his avatar, Ysmir act as his double. Thus creating the image that Ysmir was Tiber Septim. Because this is a world of myth, appearance is all that matters, Tiber Septim mantled him.
What this truly means has to do with mantling. "Walk like them until they must walk like you..." That is the nature of mantling. Wulfharth was a true avatar of Shor. Possibly the reason he looked so similar to Tiber was that tiber was supposed to be an avatar of Shor, but we'll never know since there was already an avatar that was active due to his "shaking the dragon just so" (not a dragon break, but more like a dragon hiccup... read the five songs of Wulfharth for more info). So, Tiber had Wulfharth be his "stunt double" when it came to the dangerous crap. They fooled everyone, even reality itself, into thinking they were the same person. "Walk like them..." So, when the events surrounding the activation of the Numidium played out, Wulfharth's divine essense was passed along to Tiber, creating Talos. "Until they must walk like you...".
personally, I believe the reason that Talos wasn't broadly worshipped until after Daggerfall is that some of this essense still existed in either the new Underking (Zurin Arctus... Read the Arcturan Heresy), the mantella, or both. It wasn't until the warp in the west, and the subsequent liberation of Zurin's spirit and the destruction of the mantella, that this power was allowed to rejoin its source, which lay within Tiber Septim, allowing for the ascension of Talos as a true god.
Mathematically speaking, it makes even more sense. You see, Shor-mantlers, Hero-avatars, etc.. All of them have a little of Lorkhan's power (we'll say 1/3 for the sake of argument). Talos is the ascendant Tiber, and Tiber is the oversoul of Hjalti, Zurin, and Wulfharth. 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = 1. Not the same 1 as Lorkhan, however, but as was said in the past, consider the number 11. If the two ones switched places, would you notice? After all 1 = 1. Since the ones are so similar, anywhere one of them would fit, so does the other, right? Logically speaking, that is. So, the hole left in the pantheon by the removal of Shor was filled by the insertion of Talos.