Tamriel heightmaps Obse problem

Post » Sun Feb 13, 2011 12:36 pm

[quote name='andalaybay' date='12 October 2010 - 05:32 PM' timestamp='1286919178' post='16476568']
That's why I mentioned my temporary fix. I think AWLS only scans the neighbouring 8 cells (uses getfirstref xx 1). I have reduced the scan radius for Oblivion XP to only scan the surrounding 8 cells. Would you like to try this version? I can't release it to the public because I don't have SI yet, so one of the scripts is broken in my version. I ordered SI just for Ob XP - how's that for dedication :)

this sounds good..probably we can get it compatible this way like AWLS...

EDIT: Just tracked down the distance from civilization settings - this could be a problem too. Or you'll just get a ton of points from anything you discover in the extended worldspace :)

probably it would be a good idea to provide a version for the extended tamriel ws which leaves this feature out ....it makes no sense to reward the player for discovering a location far away from a city in cyrodiil (civilisation) when there are large cities of the new province nearby....

the better solution would be to find a way to use cities in general as a reference for this feature instead of using the 7 vanilla cities only...don't know maybe city map marker can be used as a reference ( checking the distance from city markers don't know if this is possible ?)...this way the civilisation feature would work with every city in every ws

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maria Dwyer
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Post » Sun Feb 13, 2011 4:00 am

Just wanted to say that I keep an eye on whether the OBSE team manages to fix this, and if not, I will rewrite Map Marker Overhaul a bit, so that it completely avoids using the problematic functions if the features that need it are disabled in the ini. You will then lose the possibility of getting markers placed in a not-completely-known state on your map, or using the latest immersive map marker option (where markers get hidden from your map), but that should be all.
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Ross Zombie
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Post » Sun Feb 13, 2011 10:14 am

Just wanted to say that I keep an eye on whether the OBSE team manages to fix this, and if not, I will rewrite Map Marker Overhaul a bit, so that it completely avoids using the problematic functions if the features that need it are disabled in the ini. You will then lose the possibility of getting markers placed in a not-completely-known state on your map, or using the latest immersive map marker option (where markers get hidden from your map), but that should be all.

great...I know it is never possible to have a mod compatible with everything out there, but especially these 3 mods are absolutely must have mods..so good to hear

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