strange thing works for AWLS only....not for MMO and Oblivion XP ( both mods do not work anymore when having the tamriel esp as master) Ireally hope the obse guys will be able to solve this as MMo and oblivion XP are fantastic mods which I use myself :violin:
That's why I mentioned my temporary fix. I think AWLS only scans the neighbouring 8 cells (uses getfirstref xx 1). I have reduced the scan radius for Oblivion XP to only scan the surrounding 8 cells. Would you like to try this version? I can't release it to the public because I don't have SI yet, so one of the scripts is broken in my version. I ordered SI just for Ob XP - how's that for dedication

So, we don't think it's any of the other commands? I still have to track down the distance from civilization thing, but is getInWorldSpace ok?
EDIT: Just tracked down the distance from civilization settings - this could be a problem too. Or you'll just get a ton of points from anything you discover in the extended worldspace

Here's a snippet of the code:
if ( player.getInWorldspace Tamriel ) ;anvil = ( -189714, -29375, 298 ) let civilizationPosition["x"] := -189714 let civilizationPosition["y"] := -29375 let civilizationPosition["z"] := 298 ;distance let tempFloat := ( ( playerPosition["x"] - civilizationPosition["x"] ) ^ 2 ) + ( ( playerPosition["y"] - civilizationPosition["y"] ) ^ 2 ) + ( ( playerPosition["z"] - civilizationPosition["z"] ) ^ 2 ) let distance := sqrt tempFloat
It goes through and does this for each city, figuring out which one is the closest to your current location. Based on that, it sets a multiplication factor between 1 and 5 and uses that to award the points when you find a new location. It also accounts for SI, so that's not a problem. There is also a default if none of the previous possibilities match. What does getInWorldSpace return with your mod?