Couple Bugs (still have 1.26)
First, I would just like to say we Love (love!!) TIE. This has to be of all the Mods my husband and I have downloaded one of our favorites. So please, take these notes with the love that they are meant. You do fantastic work, but with all great works there are some wrinkles. Apologies if any of this has been brought up already.
We were wondering if it were possible to regain the heal and flare spells that you lose if you pick Destruction and Restoration as class skills? Seems funny that you wouln't have Heal Minor Wounds as an apprentice caster, same with flare.
The SI Main Quest - The creature spawns in the Main Quest Xidillian needs to be fixed so that Grummite Shammans appear in the correct rooms. They have the crystal staffs that are needed to move further into the ruin. My latest PC got stuck down the pit with no way on or back because of the new random creature spawn.
Argonian Merchant - he no longer seems to be buying or selling at any hour.
The old display cases have been eliminated from all of the mage's guilds (not a huge deal, just a note).
Not a game breaker, but a suggestions - The keys for the new, cool display chests: Just wondering if a couple could be placed around as clutter instead of all needing to be pick pocked. Picking pockets remains fickle. One of the arrows in the display cases cannot be interacted with by the player. Bit of a let down after pick pocketing someone from halfway across tamriel

All that being said, we love the new combat system. Really love the tweaks to the alchemy and marksmen. And we look forward to your future work. Thank you so much for creating these Mods. You've made this a whole new game.