- Pop quiz: did you know that in the vanilla game, less than a dozen spawn points are dedicated to
the entire Leyawiin wilderness region for creatures and such? No? Neither did I. FIXED. Over 40 new spawn
areas populate the swamps around Leyawiin now. Marshes rustle with life now.

- I went ahead and created a new type of NPC: Smugglers. These neutral NPCs act somewhat as Fences
and specialize in selling/buying illegal substances such as Skooma and other unmentionables. You'll
find them near the water in town and wilderness areas - especially near or on docks.
- A poster on the official ES forums mentioned that in his game, a certain iron claymore was making
him heavily overburdened. That...was my fault. Claymore fixed. Sorry.
Now for the biggest change: In all previous versions of TIE, the new NPCs were the main feature - both
because of their new looks and the sheer number. One could literally not go anywhere without being
exposed to a number of characters talking and walking around. While this creates atmosphere. it
also makes frame rates drop for certain older systems (ahem - like mine). So, taking Arthmoor's advice,
I lessened the percentage of NPCs at any given time. In other words, where players might have seen
five to ten TIE NPCs milling about before, they will more likely see around two or three at a time -
along with regular NPCs from the vanilla game. While some may not enjoy this change, the gain in
frame rates and immersion (Venturing into guild halls after hours for example is much more immersive
when almost everyone is asleep) will be heightened. Having played the new build for the last two days
now, I have to admit that the game seems more real and lifelike. I wouldn't want to raise the spawning
frequency again.