i read tru the latest build (1.35) changelog. inetersting :goodjob:
...because i myself create a mod for TIE which makes stock spells more useful for a hardcoe mod like TIE so wizards can live longer than 10 minutes...and veritas did the same :icecream:
he changed illusion spells, burden, fire damage, health and fatigue restore...
when i get home i look in CS what else he did exactly but we have the same approaching on those illusion spells like command or demoralize and the like...
when you use mods like OOO or TIE which make oblivion un-leveled, those spells which magnitude is tied to NPC or creature level are pretty bothering because you can't decide what level of the spell you need to use...
so i (we) think we need a spell for example demoralizing with a "level50" magnitude but the spell duration is longer and longer as your illusion skill increasing.
my "spell overhaul" goes on because i "hate" those extremely exploitable spells too like chameleon, drain health, invisibility etc. i know that every player has the right to choose not to use them or not to exploit them but i know players bacause i'm a gamer too...

so i make these spells harder to exploit, for example you can't create a drain health spell with 1 sec duration and 500 ponts duration, instead you have "kill" spells (like in OOO), which are the same, you can buy them or find them in a spell tome (if you have that dlc) but can't make custom spell from it.
or chameleon: need more mana and higher skill to use a really effective chameleon spell and enchanting is much more expensive. in vanilla you can easily have a 100% chameleon...you
can do everything without consequences...
i hate too that some spell i must cast and cast again and again and again and i'm made 10 steps in a dungeon...(shields, bound weapon, etc.)
this mod has a similar aproach like in OOO which is staying close to vanilla (like TIE) and doesn't make mages god like (IMO) midas magic, LAME or SM.
schools touched principally: illusion, alteration, mysticism, but some of the conjuration, destruction and restoration spells is modificated too.
it's almost done and i want to test it so release is in a couple of weeks if anbody is interested in this mod.