I was reading the 'no love for imperials?' thread and I started thinking about why I naturally don't even consider
paying one, and I ended up realizing I consider all the races to be similar to some human culture from some point in time. Here's my take, would love to hear
other's views on it.
Imperial - Roman Soldiers
Nords - Vikings or Celtic Pagans before christianization.
Dunmer - Mongolians under Ghengis Khan
High Elf - high ranking taoist sorcerers in ancient china, when they had sway in the empire as advisors.
Breton - Britton hedge witch types, hermits, mystics and druids. Ancient celt pagan spiritual magical types like Merlin.
Khajit - Samurai and Ninja
Bosmer - EDIT: Native American Indians, Druids or Picts.
Orc - Mercenaries with no native allegiances
Argonian - Pirates of an african/east indian heritage.
Redguard - Ancient islamic warriors, think of the film Kingdom of Heaven.