Apparently you don't know that Altmer hate Dunmer and vice versa.
Apparently you don't know that Altmer hate Dunmer and vice versa.
Dunmer and Altmer were never on good terms. Altmer hate daedra, dunmer worship daedra and were corrupted by them. Not to mention Dunmer think they're sissies, lol.
Instead they offer possible (notice how I'm saying possible Stormcloaks) worse racism than the Empire.
T'is very debatable however whether he wants it for a good cause or not.
I would think the Dunmer would kick Dominion butt ... then turn around and place a whoppin on the Empire if they could manage the resources.
Which ever side wins could trade with Morrowind though I suppose that still doesn't give them a speficic side to join lol.
There's nothing showing he just wants to be king. Just speculation and propaganda. His dialogue with you I think shows he clearly does want this for a good cause:
And the famous speech that people claim is acting when he's in his palace and would be preaching to the converted. Whether you agree with what he is actually saying or not, the dude is waaaaaay too passionate to be doing this for such mundane reasons as power alone.
edit: an if you dont mean that his cause is power, and that its debatable that the SC cause is good, I think most would agree wanting to be independent and have freedom to worship is.
Yes, they still have their council. They have nothing to gain from the other races unless they would help fight the argonians which I doubt.
Actually people think he is racist because
For those of you who played Morrowind, the Dunmer were clearly racist. In Oblivion, there is an Argonian in Layowiin who tells off-color Khajiit jokes and a Khajiit in Bravil who refers to Argonians as "less than human and much less than Khajiit."
The Nord harbormaster in Anvil is married to a Bosmer. Comments around town are, "That is so unnatural. I'd rather sleep with my horse."
Imperial guards tell you "watch yourself, elf," or "What are you up to, Orc?" But if you are Imperial, they say, "Greetings, my Imperial brother/sister."
For those of you who did the quest Whodunit, the racism of the guests is quite clear.
Racism is rampent in the Elder Scrolls. In Skyrim, the Nords, particularly the Stormcloak Nords, are painted as racist by Bethesda. Arguing that they are not is plain senseless. That was what they established, and Bethesda is the one telling the story. It is a little like reading a John Grisham novel and then arguing that he got the wrong killer.
BTW, I am not specifically mounting an attack on the Stormcloaks. I don't have a side in the war, and would never support the Imperials. I think Tullius is a complete moron.
Let's see. The Argonians aren't allowed in the city, the Khajiit aren't allowed in the city, the Elves are only allowed in the slums, the Nords stumble around drunk and disorderly at three in the morning screaming racist slurs and threats of physical harm against the Dunmer, which Ulfric does nothing about. Are you really that blind and deaf, or are you just pretending?
Lol if the Empire still keeps the concordate after the second war then I'd be like "alright [censored] you guys... "
He is the Jarl. If maintaining order isn't his job, exactly whose is it?
Lets see:
The khajiit CARAVANS who sell skooma and are on it are not allowed in ANY city in Skyrim, there are 4 altmer prospering in the city, and there's a grand total of 1 nord who actually is said to go around drunk saying racial slurs. The homeless guy isn't said to do this. And Rolff is said to be The Worst
If people were putting it in the same context as you do, I'd have no problem with it. However, they don't. They paint Stormcloak racism as being some particular virulent strain that the empire isn't subject to.
And again, off topic. People have a shallow grasp of how politics works even in the real world, and that's how they approach it in the game, too. War and politics makes for strange bedfellows and once-enemies can unite even against those who seem to have a natural affiliation.
The problem is that there are practical reasons for keeping the Argonians and Khajiit out; the Dunmer enclaves were created so that they could be sovereign; and imperial Nords are no less racist than Stormcloaks. Also the fact that Ulfric never, ever says anything that can be interpreted as racism. Again, a matter of emphasis, and at his point a dead, rotted horse carcass and OFF TOPIC.
I'm still waiting to hear what clear interest Morrowind has in the conflict.
The empire controlled cities does not allow khajiits either and Most of the traders in windhelm are elfs and one of the dunmer is owning a farm just outside the city.
If it is OFF TOPIC, why are we still posting?
You also forgot to mention how the Imperials don't let Khajiit caravans into their towns either.