» Thu Aug 22, 2013 11:12 pm
In the interest of contributing to the thread I will present my view on the subject, I am, however, not yet able to vote as the Thalmor section dos not include satisfactory options:
Hammerfell: Their main interest at the momment is to be able to go to war with the Dominion again, for that they will need allies. The empire can't ally with them without risking it's fragile peace with the Dominion. A Stormcloak victory would give Hammerfell a bordering ally with a shared hatred of the Thalmor and the millitary strength to back it up. A Stormcloak victory is certainly what I'd be hoping for if I was a Redguard
High Rock: In order to understand what the CW means to the Bretons it is first nessassary to appreciate the Sectarian nature of Bretonic society. High Rock is devided into many kingdoms, each with it's own monarchy, military and national identity. I won't go into detail (this is an area of the Lore on witch I am somewhat shaky) but suffice to say these Kigdoms, if left to their own devices would likely destroy one-another. The only thing preventing that is the Empire so, and if Skyrim becomes independent the empire no longer has any way to access High Rock. An imperial victory is in the Bretons interests.
Morrowind: No clear interest. House Redoran wants nothing to do with the empire and I can't imagine they're too concerned about Skyrim.
Black Marsh: The An-Xileel, while their ultimate aims remain obscure and vague, clearly have grievances against the Empire. That said, Ulfrics percieved mistreatment of the Argonians, and harbouring Dunmer refugees may put the An-Xileel in a position of neutrality: No clear interest
Elsweyr: As a massive Khajiit fan and a Stormcloak supporter I'm probably biased on this one so I'll be breif: I is clearly in the Khajiit's best interests to leave the Almeri Dominion and a Stormcoak victory does not immediately quicken that interest. That said: the Khajiit probably remember how the Empire abandoned them to the empire during the void nights and have no wish to return to imperial rule so: No clear interest.
Valenwood: Pretty much the same as Elsweyr by they probably don't have the same problem with the Empire so: No clear interest (but leaning towards Empire victory)