That would be quite a lot of ice cream! Our realms do look quite good, and we have interiors to match! You guys don't often get to see screens from our interiors, but I think you will be blown away by some of our epics builds. Necrom is going to especially fun

Yeah what's up with that? As I remember the interior claims board was always fast moving, you would think there would be a lot more to show off.
Well, if you seen one fishermer shack you seen em all I guess. Here are some interiors I made a while back. Not really active on TR anymore though.

Kogo'Tel (?) Ebony Mine. I think it was Kogo'Tel, at least. It was a stone quarry until ebony was found.
Hlaalu Council Hall. It's in Narsis, so this is the heart of House Hlaalu.
Narsis Bazaar. Has about a dozen different vendors.