Keep up the great work guys! Even though I probably won't still be playing Morrowind when this is all finished... but the dedication to this project is amazing!
begin TR_m1_BOmuskflyscriptshort PlayerLevelset PlayerLevel to ( player -> getlevel )if (GetJournalIndex "TR_m1_BO_muskflies" < 10) disable if (GetPCCell "Bal Oyra" == 1) if (PlayerLevel > 9) if (CellChanged == 1) StartScript "TR_m1_BOoutdoorNPCs" endif endif endifelse enableendif end TR_m1_BOmuskflyscript
"Expression Error Unable to find cell id "Bal Oyra" script TR_m1_BOmuskflyscript"
begin TR_m1_BOmuskflyscriptshort PlayerLevelset PlayerLevel to ( player -> getlevel )if (GetJournalIndex "TR_m1_BO_muskflies" < 10) disable if (GetPCCell "Bal Oyra" == 1) if (PlayerLevel > 9) if (CellChanged == 1) StartScript "TR_m1_BOoutdoorNPCs" endif endif endifelse enableendif end TR_m1_BOmuskflyscript
"Expression Error Unable to find cell id "Bal Oyra" script TR_m1_BOmuskflyscript"