Spectacular! I have a soft spot for the Redoran, so I love seeing their territory

Oh, also, I have a question about relative city sizes: how do the different House settlements compare to one another? For the Hlaalu, Narsis will of course be huge, and both Kragenmoor and Andothren are very large cities based on the Map 4 alpha that you guys released. I think I read Scamp say that Baan Malur is also a huge city, but do the Redoran have any other large settlements that can compare with the Hlaalu towns? I can't really tell exactly how large Kogotel is from the video. And with the Indoril, are there any large cities besides Almalexia, or are their other cities all on the "smaller" side? I guess what I'm asking is how do the Houses compare to one another, in terms of total population that live in their settlements? Sorry that long question is long

edit: when I ask about sizes, I mean population/number of interiors, rather than number of cells, since I know the latter can be misleading