Superkitten: Well, a lot of our old, crappy work was designed such that it looked great in screenshots (see Ouada Gahridur, Narsis), but in actuality were really big piles of crap, as far as modding skill and cleanliness goes. Some were pretty cool, but were just not really well-suited for game-play, like the original Narsis (due to limitations from an engine in 2002, the original city played like a slideshow on even the most expensive rigs). All of this is also not even taking into consideration actual city planning and lore. Lots of our older stuff wasn't really thought-out in detailed fashion or made believable, whereas nearly all of our new content is not only incredibly believable but also ridiculously planned-out, at least on several levels. TR modders really should all just have careers as city planners, architects, and engineers, ha.

The 'maps' section, which is where I went to look at the TR release maps (though it only shows the claim maps). It also has a bit about Hammerfell.
I'll take care of that, although it is somewhat irresponsible to gloss over the numerous mentions of us explicitly mentioning we aren't working on Hammerfell anymore and focus on one that may or may not imply we still are.
EDIT: Fixed.