That is fine with us. We love to see mods of our mod

Great! I'll start working on it, then.

You could verify to have TryArchiveFirst=0
under [General] section of Morrowind.ini.
It should work, thats how its supposed to. Any files in the folders take precedent over those in the BSA files. Thats why texture replacers and such still work when you have the original MW BSA there.
Ok, I started digging on this because I was pretty puzzled. Since I use texture replacers, I really didn't understand what the issue could be with changing TR heads.
At last, it turns out that the file I was using for a test had misteriously altered its timestamp to 2004 or so. So the game was using the BSA instead because it was considered "newer".
Oh well. I altered the file timestamp and now it's working as it should had.

In some ways an extra esp that just switched heads to their nearest vanilla neighbor, so that any pluginless replacer would work might be better.
It's an interesting idea... I see a couple of problems with it, though:
1) One would lose the added variety TR introduced with the additional heads/hairs; not to mention the unique ones for a few NPCs;
2) The "closest" vanilla equivalent could be tricky to determine.
I think I'll start with a pluginless replacer and then see if I feel like doing something more.
Don't want to sound like a jerk, but I'm doing this mostly for myself... then, if anyone else enjoys it, good for them.

So, it's just a matter of how much effort it's going to take. No promises.