Is Tamriel it?

Post » Thu Apr 28, 2011 8:02 pm

For those of you that don't know, Elder Scrolls takes place on a single planet, Mundus. It's even said when you first meet Haskill in Shivering Isles(don't know if it's said by anyone before though), But the only continent we ever hear of is Tamriel. Is it possible that Tamriel covers the entirety of Mundus? Or is there more to it than just it?

If it's the latter, I think it'd be cool to have Bethesda perhaps expand beyond Tamriel in a future game, or perhaps have NPCs talk about it in Skyrim.
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Jeffrey Lawson
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Post » Thu Apr 28, 2011 11:14 pm

Actually, Mundus is not the planet. The planet is called Nirn, and takes place in Mundus, along with the two moons.

And yes, there are more continents, Akavir to the east, Atmora to the north. There's also Yokuda, Thras, and Pyandonea.

More info on Akavir:

A map that points out the known places on Nirn (Not sure how correct it is though):
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Honey Suckle
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Post » Fri Apr 29, 2011 1:58 am

Nirn is the name of the planet. Mundus is the realm in which Nirn exists. There are other locations such as Akavir, Yokuda, and Atmora.

I think we can assume, though, that Tamriel is the biggest and most important location on Nirn. Either that, or there are whole other continents that we don't know anything about and they're never mentioned.
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Petr Jordy Zugar
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Post » Fri Apr 29, 2011 3:43 am

I think we can assume, though, that Tamriel is the biggest and most important location on Nirn. Either that, or there are whole other continents that we don't know anything about and they're never mentioned.

Well, at least we're TOLD it's the most important location on Nirn, for all we know, the people of Akavir could be telling themselves the same thing, and the Daedra have as much fun with them as they do with Tamriel, we just don't know it since we've never had a game set there and have not seen their perspective on such matters.

But anyway, while Nirn has several other known continents beyond Tamriel, so far, all currently released games have taken place on Tamriel, except in cases where the action is set in another realm, like in the Oblivion plains in, well, Oblivion, this will probably remain true for the forseeable future, it might be interesting to get a look at other continents in some later game, but the main focus of the Elder Scrolls has always been on Tamriel, with other continents mostly being in the background.
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Dan Stevens
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Post » Thu Apr 28, 2011 7:24 pm

Just to clarify the geographical/metaphysical hierarchy of the world for you as I understand it, it goes:
Tamriel- the continent we've seen, which is on
Nirn- the planet that is the hub of
Mundus- the realm/universe of reality in TES, which is inside
Aetherius- a place of pure magic and the homes of the spirits and gods, and (maybe?) the planes of Oblivion and the outer realms
all of which is encompassed by the Aurbis, the intersection of the infinite bubbles of Anu and Padhome, the forces/entities whose interactions comprise the totality of the metaverse of the Elder Scrolls.

edited to include the Aurbis, thanks Velorien
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Post » Thu Apr 28, 2011 5:31 pm

Just to clarify the geographical/metaphysical hierarchy of the world for you as I understand it, it goes:
Tamriel- the continent we've seen, which is on
Nirn- the planet that is the hub of
Mundus- the realm/universe of reality in TES, which is inside
Aetherius, the plane that is the intersection of the infinite bubbles of Anu and Padhome, the forces/entities whose interactions comprise the totality of the metaverse of the Elder Scrolls. A mythical, magical, un-real space of spirits and whatnot.

And don't forget Aurbis, which encompasses all of those things as well as Oblivion and outer realms.
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Breanna Van Dijk
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Post » Thu Apr 28, 2011 12:57 pm

Tamriel is one of the continents of Nirn. Nirn and Mundus are one and the same. Oblivion surrounds Mundus, which is then surrounded by Aetherius.

edit: sp
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Post » Thu Apr 28, 2011 9:48 pm

And don't forget Aurbis, which encompasses all of those things as well as Oblivion and outer realms.

Oh yeah, of course.

But I think Oblivion and the outer realms are part of the Aetherius, though I'm not sure:
Imperial Theosophy teaches us that our world was born from magicka, the creative force that informs and sustains all life. The sources of magic are the many and diverse heaves beyond the void, collectively known as the Aetherius.

Aetherius, ancestral seat of the Nine Divines and the other original spirits, is the plane of pure magicka.

and are pertinent.
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Post » Thu Apr 28, 2011 6:44 pm

There is no such thing as Mundas.Oblivion is also separate (though encased in) Aetherius, and itself encases Nirn.
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brandon frier
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Post » Thu Apr 28, 2011 7:48 pm

I think we can assume, though, that Tamriel is the biggest and most important location on Nirn. Either that, or there are whole other continents that we don't know anything about and they're never mentioned.

There is a piece of evidence which, if true, could be expanded on to mean that Akavir and Tamriel are metaphysical mirrors of each other.
Hn. Sounds familiar.
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Post » Thu Apr 28, 2011 4:09 pm

There is a piece of evidence which, if true, could be expanded on to mean that Akavir and Tamriel are metaphysical mirrors of each other.
Hn. Sounds familiar.

It never ENDS!

Does that make Rakatosh, the Akavirian equivalent of Tiber Septim?
When exactly did he rise?
He should've attempted to invade Tamriel as Tiber attempted Akavir, is this the plot of Skyrim?

Also much greater justification against making a game in Akavir, since it would merely parallel events in Tamriel.
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Vicky Keeler
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Post » Fri Apr 29, 2011 12:01 am

It never ENDS!

Does that make Rakatosh, the Akavirian equivalent of Tiber Septim?
When exactly did he rise?
He should've attempted to invade Tamriel as Tiber attempted Akavir, is this the plot of Skyrim?

Also much greater justification against making a game in Akavir, since it would merely parallel events in Tamriel.

Tosh Raka the Tiger Dragon is that piece of evidence.
I don't think Tiber Septim ever attempted Akavir, did he? I thought it was just Uriel V.
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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Thu Apr 28, 2011 5:41 pm

Tosh Raka the Tiger Dragon is that piece of evidence.
I don't think Tiber Septim ever attempted Akavir, did he? I thought it was just Uriel V.

Yup, Tiber didn't venture outside of Tamriel


Tosh hasn't unified Akivir, or have the other nations of Akivir in any type of vassalage state. That doesn't mean he won't in the future or in the time between the events of Oblivion and Skyrim, but alot hinders on that. What about the other Continents though? Yokuda didn't mirror anything in Tamriel, nor does Atmora, what's so special about the relationship between Akivir and Tamriel?

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Post » Fri Apr 29, 2011 6:00 am

Oblivion is also separate (though encased in) Aetherius, and itself encases Nirn.

Oh right, the Void and the Un-Void.
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Sarah Kim
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Post » Thu Apr 28, 2011 6:50 pm

What about the other Continents though? Yokuda didn't mirror anything in Tamriel, nor does Atmora, what's so special about the relationship between Akivir and Tamriel?

This is a favorite subject of mine actually. And technically I think the idea of a Geo-Mythic-Polarity that centers on the Padomaic nature of Tamriel presents an interesting posibility for the opposite pole.

As to the other continents I think the significance is not the mirroring or lack thereof, but rather the fact that neither is presently inhabited (depends on the source of reference to an extent, as I have seen at least one reference to ships coming back and forth from Atmora). One thinks of the idea of a magnet somehow "finding" its north and south poles, and essentially decohering other potential poles as it grows to an ultimate point of polarity due to the dispersion of the respective populations onto central and continuously inhabited areas (see Redguards to Tamriel, an anologous example to Akavir would be amazing of the lore writers to validate this theory... lol.). :spotted owl:

Though this would also present an interesting unknown-unknown, the interactions between Akavir and Yokuda or Pyandonea if Nirn is mapped out as I envision it. (Probably overly simplistic, but with Tamriel and Akavir literally on opposite sides of Nirn with Yokuda between them to the west, and Atmora as the "North Pole," and Pyandonea forming a sort of Hawaii if small, or Australia if large [read as unlikely due to descriptions in-game].)

But thats just my crazy supposition. :rolleyes:
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Laura Tempel
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Post » Thu Apr 28, 2011 5:10 pm

Also notice that invasion fleets from Yokuda, Atmora, and Old Ehlnofey (if it is physical and not metaphorical) reached Tamriel in one hop, while from Tamriel to Akavir the fleets needed multiple stops to resupply. This could be a case if the old peoples simply being better at everything, as seen in most fantasy fiction.

Also, Nirn should be much larger than Earth to support being able to put more continents and islands at arbitrary locations. Never liked a small world. And gravity probably won't be a problem, it isn't present in Mundus. Things fall because their constituent et'ada fear Oblivion.
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Post » Thu Apr 28, 2011 3:55 pm

Also notice that invasion fleets from Yokuda, Atmora, and Old Ehlnofey (if it is physical and not metaphorical) reached Tamriel in one hop, while from Tamriel to Akavir the fleets needed multiple stops to resupply.

Perhaps its too late and I'm thinking poorly but wouldn't this support my speculation on these continents simply being on opposite sides of the world. I mean sure multiple stops to resupply from Tamriel to Akavir, but what if it's also a one hop gig from Yokuda from Akavir. :whistling:
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Post » Fri Apr 29, 2011 7:12 am

Tamriel, Akavir, Yokuda, etc all lie inside Nirn

Nirn and it's moons Masser and Secunda are surrounded by Oblivion

Oblivion in turn is surrounded by Atherius

All these are contained within the Arubis

The Arubis is where Anu and Padomay intersect
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Bigze Stacks
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Post » Thu Apr 28, 2011 8:59 pm

Isn't there some speculation that Akavir is a "myth-echo" of Tamriel, and experiences very similar events?
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Post » Thu Apr 28, 2011 5:58 pm

Yeah. Here's a link to the most recent one:
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Killer McCracken
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Post » Fri Apr 29, 2011 5:58 am

Perhaps its too late and I'm thinking poorly but wouldn't this support my speculation on these continents simply being on opposite sides of the world. I mean sure multiple stops to resupply from Tamriel to Akavir, but what if it's also a one hop gig from Yokuda from Akavir. :whistling:

Due to the rotation and length of daylight on Nirn , it seems Nirn is a smaller planet , however Pyandonea is tropical , that would mean it has a southern hemisphere below it.
So to me Akavir may not be directly east but south east so that the monkeys have a more tropical forst in which to live in .
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Post » Thu Apr 28, 2011 11:18 pm

Yeah. Here's a link to the most recent one:

Circles make my head hurt. :sadvaultboy:
But on the upside I finally figured out how to quote properly. :biggrin:
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Nathan Risch
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Post » Thu Apr 28, 2011 10:20 pm

There is no such thing as Mundas.Oblivion is also separate (though encased in) Aetherius, and itself encases Nirn.

I don't understand when you say there is no such thing as mundas. It's been a while since i played shivering isles. So why does haskill say " The isles/or the appearence of the island in tamriel" breaks no rule/or rules of mundas? He says something like that anyway. So what does he really mean by that?

Also about akavir,maybe being a mirror of events in tamriel,it's interesting,it also fetches back my thinking of the events in tamriel/oblivion,being mirrored in the shivering isles.
To me, what happens in the isles is extremely similar to the events in the oblivion story line. I think i'll read more on akavir. So is everything being mirrored? Same as akatosh/lorkhan?

Or am i way off the mark,and being a smart-[censored] without much detail?
I always thought mundas was "nirn"...obviously that doesn't seem to be the case. But still what does haskill mean,by what he said?

Thanks in advance :)

*Edit* I'll be playing oblivion again in a month or so,after i have finished again with morrowind :)..Until then i would like to know what haskill means,if there is no such thing as mundas.
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Stephanie Kemp
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Post » Fri Apr 29, 2011 2:32 am

I don't understand when you say there is no such thing as mundas. It's been a while since i played shivering isles. So why does haskill say " The isles/or the appearence of the island in tamriel" breaks no rule of mundas? He says something like that anyway. So what does he really mean by that?

She meant it's not spelled "Mundas" with an "a" but "Mundus" with a second "u." :P

I always thought mundas was "nirn"...obviously that doesn't seem to be the case. But still what does haskill mean,by what he said?

Think of it as Nirn being the physical planet itself and Mundus is the space in which it resides. Mundus is the realm.

What Haskill means by the portal posing no threat to Mundus is that Daedra are not allowed to enter Mundus uninvited, the exception being the Oblivion Crisis. Haskill means that the portal is for mortals to enter of their own volition and no Daedra will escape through it. As he says, it's an invitation.
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Nana Samboy
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Post » Fri Apr 29, 2011 3:01 am

I don't understand when you say there is no such thing as mundas. It's been a while since i played shivering isles. So why does haskill say " The isles/or the appearence of the island in tamriel" breaks no rule/or rules of mundas? He says something like that anyway. So what does he really mean by that?

Also about akavir,maybe being a mirror of events in tamriel,it's interesting,it also fetches back my thinking of the events in tamriel/oblivion,being mirrored in the shivering isles.
To me, what happens in the isles is extremely similar to the events in the oblivion story line. I think i'll read more on akavir. So is everything being mirrored? Same as akatosh/lorkhan?

Or am i way off the mark,and being a smart-[censored] without much detail?
I always thought mundas was "nirn"...obviously that doesn't seem to be the case. But still what does haskill mean,by what he said?

Thanks in advance :)

*Edit* I'll be playing oblivion again in a month or so,after i have finished again with morrowind :)..Until then i would like to know what haskill means,if there is no such thing as mundas.

I'll have to agree with him. There's no more a Mundas then there is an Eurth.

Also, I always sort of thought that Nirn was infinite, and that Magnus and Lorkhan's body appear to orbit it due to mental stress caused by Oblivion.
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