I think I'm gonna join up with this one.
May I kindly suggest http://www.imperial-library.info/maps/cyrodiillargelowrescr7.jpg in unison or on its own with the map you've provided? It's just so much more detailed

I'm not quite sure what I should be however.... What area's are you short in? Politics? Generals (doubt it)? I'll probably make two characters anywho but I'd like to fill lots of spots.
Few questions (the ones regarding locations are based off the map I linked, so if we aren't using that map simply disregard the questions that relate to it):
Who "controls" the river west of Blacklight (east of Windhelm) just along the Skyrim/Morrowind border?
Didn't see that Winterhold and Windhelm were both allies of Redoran, so never mind. I would assume the river is under Redoran control.
2) You say "Skyrim swallowed much of the land of both provinces", yet most fighting apparently occurs at Jehanna and Elinhir which are pretty much right on the border... So did the Ra Gada and the Bretons manage to take back the "large" amounts of land taken by the Nords? Or did the Nords not really go too far into either province?
3) In both the west and east, is it full out war? As in, nearly constant skirmishing/battling on the fronts? Or is it merely high tension staring at each other across the table but not really doing anything?
That's about it for now