I'd got there of course.. Seek out a Transmuter and have myself transformed into an Argonian, Travel to Black Marsh, and learn all their history, Join the Dark Brotherhood and let Sithis and the Night Mother take it from there.
I'd got there of course.. Seek out a Transmuter and have myself transformed into an Argonian, Travel to Black Marsh, and learn all their history, Join the Dark Brotherhood and let Sithis and the Night Mother take it from there.
The avatar of me would:
Visit first to see how I liked living there.
Go to Valenwood.
Worship: Mara
Be an adventurer. Edit: with very protective knee armor.
The real me would probably want to live in a walled city safe from various things that want to see me dead.
Live there.
Agnostic in this life, but seeing how the Nine Divine can manfiest themselves as avatars I'd worship them.
I'd join the Companions seeing how they practially are mercenaries and adventurers.
High Rock, Summerset Isle and the Imperial City are the most civilized places in Tamriel, so that's where I'd go.
Worship? Why would I worship the Cyrod-made Nine Divines? Magnus, Phynaster, the God of Worms and so on are all valid choices.
Job? Something scholastic.
I would probably go to either Blacklight, Daggerfall, Sentinel, Solitude, or Windhelm to join the crew of a ship and become a sailor.
I'd live there
Summerset Isle - Always thought I'd be a High Elf.
Worship Daedra
I'd be an adventure...
- Added : I'd actually be an agent for the Thalmor ;D I'd keep my worship of Daedra on a low though.
Who wants to come with me to Lyg instead?
High Rock is hardly as "civilized" as you might think. The place is heavily divided among warring regional clan-tribes, mountain tribes, River tribes and of course Orcish clans themselves.
However it does contain two of the wealthiest and greatest city-states in Tamriel though the PGE seems to imply that High Rock has huge wealth inequalities.
Summerset Isles is your best bet atm
Atmora and Yokuda are the only peaceful places on Nirn.
So yeah, them.
Well I don't think anyone would disagree with Atmora being "peaceful", Yokuda on the other hand... lets just hope that remaining people still there have learned their lesson.
Yea, if you played Oblivion, people in Anvil mention ships coming from and to Yokuda
Hell you even meet a young boy and his mother or grandmother(I forgot) from Yokuda in TES Redguard.
Not all of it sank into the ocean if that is what you are thinking. Still got this chain of Island left http://images.uesp.net/f/f9/Tam-Maps-West_Tamriel.jpg
I would stick to Esweyr. Beautiful place, friendly people.
Nothing insanely dangerous like Morrowind or Black Marsh.
And you are using rose-tinted spectacles Sir.
BTW. http://i.minus.com/ilC6x0bCZ4VCs.jpg
Eh, I've met plenty of your fellow islanders who would disagree with you.
Why else would they invade like it's 1704 settle in Spain or move to Australia?
There are people who would disagree with the statement "the world is not flat." What is your point?
Spain and Australia are not in Tamriel. They are countries in the real world.
I'm an adrenaline junkie. Morrowind. Bounty hunter. Lock and load.
(Do I get to take rifles when I move?)