Tamriel Worldspace Modding Project thread 3

Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:35 am

Neither. Onra is either working on it, or is going to return to it as soon as he can. A new thread is now needed however. He's just about to post something too.
Well he was, I guess my posting made his posting redundant so he didn't post it :D
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:17 pm

Kia Ora

Has this moved to another thread or died?

No it is not dead..... the heightmap has been finished and is working absolutely perfect...providing all provinces, isles and surrounding seas...fully compatible with Ilianas Elsweyr mod ( works the same way as the old Valenwood map), compatible with all UL mods ( of course some lod mesh patches will be needed), and compatible with afaik nearly every other popular mod taken place in cyrodiil...it comes as stated before in one esp ( 160 MB which is btw the seize of the old Black Marsh esp)...
large parts of the heightmap have been improved with Geo Control terrain editing programm ( erosion settings etc) and a lot more details like rivers and even small isles have been added this time...


based on this heightmap I will provide esp for every province...currently I am working on Valenwood , southern Elsweyr and Skyrim (creating the basic regions)...next week before I will go to spain for two weeks I will send the esp and the heightmap to StarX and Seigfried so that they can start working on it ...the province esps will include detailed regions, roads, creatures , dungeons etc etc..Skyrim will also get some towns and settlements right from the start....My Firsthold mod will be merged into the Summerset esp..I hope to join forces with KiwiHawk here....

last but not least..later versions of the province mods will require the Tamriel Resource Pack .....and probably cobl....

of course the heightmap and as well the province esps can be used as modders resources and I will also keep the old files on nexus for people using them for their mods

cheers everybody :foodndrink:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:19 am

Time for the next one. :)
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Courtney Foren
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