the thread for all mods and projects around or based on the " Under the sign of the dragon Tamriel heightmaps" .
Under the sign of the dragon - Tamriel heightmaps -
Download :
This mod will try to provide lore friendly heightmaps of all provinces of Tamriel in the Tamriel worldspace .
Official lore maps and/or other lore based maps ( like TR team maps) have been used to create lore correct or at least lore friendly shapes and basic geographic data of all provinces.
Note ! For compatibility reasons and to get a more realistic gameplay, all provinces around cyrodiil have been enlarged (mainly in north/south direction).
This means you will find the different provinces larger compared to cyrodiil than on the lore maps.
The heightmaps will be provided as modders resources, so that everyone is free to place his own mods in the different provinces using the heightmaps as a master.
This could be a complete region, a city, a playerhome...placing creatures or whatever...the idea is to have the provinces playable right from the start and getting them more and more interesting by new content added by new created mods.
So far heightmaps of Black Marsh, Valenwood/Elsweyr , Summerset Isles, Hammerfell and High Rock have been released.
All provinces (heightmaps) will be provided modular and get basic lorefriendly regions including trees, large rocks,landscape textures, map data, weather, sounds and generated pathgrids..lod textures and meshes will be provided as well.
This way the provinces will be fully playable right from the start and it will be more fun to explore them....also if somebody creates new locations using the heightmaps it will not look like being placed in the middle of nowhere..
Every province will have just 1 or 2 basic regions for the moment...more detailed regions, architecture , creatures etc etc will hopefully be added by other modders / teams.
Note ! Ilianas mod will be required for the Valenwood/Elsweyr heightmap but not work as a master anymore...instead a patch is provided ( somes with the Valenwood heightmap download) which also contains all the region data for Valenwood and southern Elsweyr.
Shivering isles, OBMM or Wrye Bash, Tes4LodGen
The Valenwood-Elsweyr Heightmap requires Ilianas Elsweyr Deserts of Anequina mod and the provided patch to work properly !!
grab Ilianas mod here :
Igerup has created Cell Grid Maps for the different heightmaps. This should be a great help for people start modding on the Tamriel heightmaps.
Summerset_gridmap :
Valenwood_gridmap :
Blackmarsh_gridmap :
Igerup has also released his (wip) complete tamriel ingame map which works cool with the so far released heightmaps.
grab it here :
Kiwi-hawk is working on a complete tamriel ingame map as well
get it here :
StarX is working on a Creature Resource Pack for Tamriel
get the first version here :
compatible province mods using the tamriel worldspace
Stirk made by the Tamriel Rebuilt team
Stirk is an idyllic isle located west of Anvil. The isle is currently home to a resort town for Cyrodiil's wealthy and an imperial fort that once protected Cyrodiil from the Aldmeri Dominion. However, beneath the stucco facade lie secrets yet undisturbed by the island's mining operation.
grab it here :
Note ! Stirk has to be loaded before the Tamriel heightmaps. The Stirk Lod meshes and textures have to installed after the Tamriel heightmaps LOD Resources (overwrite them).
WIPz Elsweyrs Kingdom of Rimmen made by grzesiog1 Auryga Aussie_In_Oblivion googlepox johnn123 norinvaux
The lore background this work is based on:
"Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition
Though ostensibly its own kingdom, Rimmen still pays tribute to the Mane of Elsweyr, from whose realm it seceded
in CE812 during the Interregnum. Earlier, Akaviri refugees had fled persecution
when the warlord Attrebus briefly aspired to the Imperial Throne. Attrebus, though
he lasted no longer than most of the pretender kings of that period, thought he
might rid Cyrodiil of the foreigners who had ruled it for the first half of the
Common Era, and he drove the Akaviris past the Empire's borders into Elsweyr. The
khajiit granted them asylum in the hills and steppes of northwestern Elsweyr, where
they dwelt in relative seclusion until remnants of the Dir-Kamal resurfaced in Cyrodiil,
seizing the Throne from Attrebus' successors. The Rimmen (literally, the Rim Men,
as the khajiit called them) joined their brothers to try to rebuild the Empire.
This effort was doomed to failure, but not before the khajiit attempted to reclaim
their lands in a series of bloody border wars. Currently, since the ascension of
Tiber Septim, the hapless Rimmen have once again submitted to the protection of
the Mane, with a renewed tribute paying for the Cat Lord's guarantee of their independence,
a truly weak reed upon which to lean."
grab it here :
Nordinkarst -Nordic Meadhall-
Wandering around the high Jeralls is both strenuous and disheartening. The mountains and weather are formidable, and bleak. Nothing about a journey along those high mountains is friendly. Except for the Nords. Just across the border in skyrim, in the high Jeralls, is a mead hall, run by a Nord Smith. He set up his inn for travelers and hunters to lodge in. Over time, people have set up permanent residences around the mead hall, and some in it. The fires always crackle, the mead is always light and cool, and the beds are always made. Everybody is welcome there.
Grab it here :
Lost chapel by Floydian1
Just over the border of Blackwood stands a ruined chapel forgotten by time. This is a simple edit to the chapel location used in the Chapel Shop mod, I've stripped out the vendor and the clothing/weapon part of the mod and simply added a bedroll and some player safe storage sacks. This is for folks who like the location but didn't want the weapons and clothing therefore, since this uses just vanilla items the download is very small in size and easy to install.
grab it here :
Unique Landscapes Brena River Ravine by Arthmoor, Chucky21, IamtheEmporer
Brena River Ravine stretches from BoC:Lost Coast to the headwaters of both forks of the Brena River. At the river's fork, the area is divided by a system of ancient Ayleid dams which serve to create 3 distinct regions in the area.
The north fork of the river stretches back into a thick forest lined with many rocks, trees, and old Ayleid fortifications. One dam here creates a reservoir of deep water. A group of bandits has made the area its home and headquarters of their smuggling operations.
The east fork is marked by a pair of large and ancient Ayleid dams, the purpose of which has been lost to the ages. The twin dams stand as a testament to the engineering skills of the Ayleids. The waters here are very deep and the ravine is lined by massive cliffs. A giant waterfall marks the headwaters of the east fork, rising thousands of feet up the wall to a small lake in the Colovian Highlands.
Below the dams the Brena River's waters are shallow. It lazily winds through the Colovian Highlands on its way to the Abecean Sea. Here, amongst the greenery lie the humble old remains of a once great Ayleid city, interspersed with clusters of rocks and flowers.
Get it here :
mods and wip projects using the tamriel heightmaps as master files
Under the sign of the dragon -Tamriel Landscapes- made by onra and firesparks
Based on the Tamriel heightmaps this mod series will provide plugins for all provinces of Tamriel containing different things like cities, settlements, trading outposts, imperial legion forts, new quests or simply some nice landscapes.
These plugins are also planned to interact later on with our legion mods Fort Akatosh Redux and Guards of Cyrodiil Redux.
released : Summerset Landscapes Beta version
The first plugin Summerset Landscapes adds the city and region of Firsthold to the game. Firsthold is located at the north of the smaller island of the Summerset Isles. it is divided into 3 parts...Port Firsthold including a small imperial trading outpost...Firsthold Markets and the city of Firsthold. The city itself and the markets are not accessable in this version (exteriors only), but the imperial outpost will be a nice destination for some nice sailing trips to Summerset.
The Census Inspector at the Census and Excise Office will provide some usefull lore background about Summerset as well...
grab it here :
WIP Elsweyr -The city of Senchal- made by StarX
will create the city and area of Senchal located at the end of the Quin'rawl pensula ( South Elsweyr)
screenshots can be found here :
more infos about Senchal will be posted by StarX :foodndrink:
This mod adds the town of Ravenholme to the valley just west of the Hermaeus Mora shrine. Ravenholme is a trading town that represents the last outpost of Cyrodiil before crossing over into Hammerfell or Skyrim, and is protected by the fortress of Ravensgate along with a nearby Imperial garrison along the border. Due to the recent passing of its previous owner with no heirs, Ravensgate is now being offered as a home to those who can prove themselves worthy of leading the town and its people. Be warned, however - ownership of the castle will not come easily, and once purchased it has a few secrets to offer up to those willing to search.This mod will also add the Skyrim town of Falkreath.
have a look here :
WIP Elinhir by AlitheLord
will create the Redguard town Elinhir in Hammerfell
for more infos look here :
Skyrim being worked on by Seigfried
will add the town of Riften, 3 small towns/ settlements, a lot unique dungeons, new landscape presets and a lot of other cool stuff taken from the former Skyrim project