This is JustinPlays posting on behalf of Tamriel's arena over at Reddit .com/r/Tamrielsarena.
We are an elder scrolls roleplaying forum that started about 5months ago, But is about to have a Huge revamp/reboot.
Most of the Roleplaying action takes place in the trading post turned town near skingrad in the imperial province of
cyrodiil As well as fights in the arena it's self.
We currently have a Blacksmith, two assassin's (One being myself ) a black market dealer/entrepreneur of rare
items. as well as many more services.
On occasions we have a few selsct fighters go on journeys/quests to the other provinces such as one where
Me, and two other fighters went on a trip to skyrim to rob Gloombound mine of all it's ebony.
I svck at writing ads so I'm going to end this here :/
If you are interested visit Reddit .com/r/Metarena