No, ShiveringIsleTravellers is already clean. Not sure why it on that list which is highly outdated once again.
Ok, I ran this again (ShiveringIsleTravellers from TT 1.39c).
Sorry for wasting your time on this CorePC. I understand now that these changes could be intentional.
[Filtering done] Processed Records: 1215787 Elapsed Time: 00:04
[Undeleting and Disabling References done] Processed Records: 155 Undeleted Records: 0 Elapsed Time: 00:00
Removing: GRUP Cell Temporary Children of SENSCrucibleLower [CELL:000122F0] (in SENSCrucible "Crucible" [WRLD:00011F7E] at 10,3)
Removing: SENSCrucibleLower [CELL:000122F0] (in SENSCrucible "Crucible" [WRLD:00011F7E] at 10,3)
Removing: GRUP Exterior Cell Sub-Block 0, 1
Removing: GRUP Exterior Cell Block 0, 0
Removing: SENSBliss01 [CELL:000122F8] (in SENSBliss "Bliss" [WRLD:00011F7D] at 10,5)
Removing: GRUP Exterior Cell Sub-Block 0, 1
Removing: GRUP Exterior Cell Block 0, 0
[Removing "Identical to Master" records done] Processed Records: 155 Removed Records: 7 Elapsed Time: 00:00
The TES4Edit Cleaning Guide contains the "List of Mods Needing Cleaning", "List of Mods Already Clean" and "List of Mods You Should NOT Clean".
Maybe the "List of Mods Needing Cleaning" should only include mods that contain "Deleted references", since "Identical to Master" could be intentional.
The way the guide reads now under "Section #2: Actual Cleaning Instructions", It made it seem safe to do both. But from now on, I will only be searching for "Deleted references".